
8.             Summary of the Offshore EIA Scoping Report

8.1.        Overview

  1. SSER is proposing the development of the Berwick Bank Wind Farm (the Proposed Development) in the outer Firth of Forth and Firth of Tay, 33.5 km off of the East Lothian coastline. SSER intends to submit separate consents, licences and permissions for the offshore (seaward of MHWS and onshore (landward of MLWS) infrastructure of the Proposed Development. This Offshore EIA Scoping Report therefore considers all of the offshore infrastructure of the Project, seaward of MHWS (i.e. the Proposed Development). SSER is also considering an additional offshore ECC, which is under development. This ECC does not form part of the Proposed Development for which this Scoping request has been made however it will be considered within the CEA for the Offshore EIA Report (and the Onshore EIA Report) as appropriate, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the EIA Regulations.
  2. This Offshore EIA Scoping Report has identified the potentially significant effects associated with the construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning phases of the Proposed Development, on a range or receptors. These are detailed in section 5  Open ▸ to section 7  Open ▸ of this Offshore EIA Scoping Report and are summarised in Appendix 1  Open and a proposed approach to assessment has been provided in each section.
  3.  The technical topics considered within this report and whether they have been scoped in or scoped out are presented in Table 8.1  Open ▸ .
Table 8.1:
Overview of Technical Topics Considered within this Offshore EIA Scoping Report and Scoped In/Out Status

8.2.        Cumulative Effects Summary

  1. A summary of the potential cumulative effects associated with each topic is presented within each topic of this report. A detailed cumulative effects assessment will be undertaken to support the EIA Report, as per the methodology outlined in section 4.3.7.
  2. An overview of the projects or activities which will be considered for cumulative effects include:
  • other offshore wind farms and associated cabling and infrastructure;
  • oil and gas infrastructure/development (cables and pipelines);
  • other forms of cabling (i.e. telecommunications and interlinks);
  • beach replenishment schemes;
  • navigation and shipping; and
  • aggregate extraction and disposal of dredging spoil.

8.3.        Transboundary Impacts

  1. A transboundary screening assessment for the Proposed Development has been undertaken as is presented in Appendix 3  Open .
  2. The following topics have been screened into further consideration of transboundary impacts:
  • fish and shellfish ecology;
  • non-breeding bird populations
  • commercial fisheries; and
  • shipping and navigation..

8.4.        Consultation

  1. The proposed approach to stakeholder engagement during the pre-application phase is outlined in section 4.3.4. Because part of the Proposed Development is within Scottish Territorial Waters, the PAC Regulations apply, therefore as part of further consultation during the pre-application phase, a pre-application event will be held during March 2022. Further details on this PAC event will be published in Edinburgh Gazette and other local press. A PAC report will also be prepared and submitted with the Marine Licence Application for the Proposed Development. A summary of all the consultation undertaken will be presented in the Offshore EIAR. Combined Public exhibitions will be held for the onshore and offshore project elements to give a full understanding of the development.

8.5.        Next Steps

  1. SSER will participate in pre-application consultation with key stakeholders in preparation for commencing technical reporting, assessment and preparation of the Offshore EIAR.


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