1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.1. Background
- In order to undertake a comprehensive Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA), a long list of relevant projects, plans and activities occurring within a large Zone of Influence (ZoI) area was produced. The CEA long list collates the details of operational or proposed projects, plans and activities in the central and northern North Sea, and includes those within both the UK and adjoining international jurisdictions.
- The CEA long list for the Proposed Development is included in volume 3, appendix 6.4 and all projects, plans and activities on the CEA long list are shown on the figures presented in this appendix unless otherwise stated.
1.2. Structure of this Appendix
1.2. Structure of this Appendix
- The structure of this appendix is as follows:
- Figures for offshore plans, projects and activities included in the CEA long list as follows:
– marine aggregate and disposal sites ( Figure 2.1 Open ▸ );
– offshore energy ( Figure 2.2 Open ▸ );
– oil and gas ( Figure 2.3 Open ▸ );
– cables and pipelines ( Figure 2.4 Open ▸ ); and
– shipping and navigation ( Figure 2.5 Open ▸ ).
- Figures for other offshore plans, projects and activities included in the CEA long list are not presented here but are assessed in the assessment of effect chapters (volume 2, chapters 7 to 21).
2. Offshore Plans, Projects and Activities
2. Offshore Plans, Projects and Activities
Figure 2.1: Marine Aggregate and Disposal Projects, Plans and Activities within 200 km of the Proposed Development
Figure 2.2: Offshore Energy Projects, Plans and Activities within 550 km from the Proposed Development[1]
Figure 2.3: Oil and Gas Projects, Plans and Activities within 200 km of the Proposed Development
Figure 2.4: Cables and Pipeline Projects, Plans and Activities within 100 km of the Proposed Development
Figure 2.5: Shipping and Navigation - Ports within 200 km of the Proposed Development
[1] Tier 4 Projects (including ScotWind Projects except for West of Orkney Wind Farm which is a Tier 3 Project) have not been presented in this figure as they have been screened out of the CEA.