Appendix 13.3 Socio-economics Stakeholder Consultation Participation

This appendix sets out technical analysis underpinning the Onshore Socio-economics EIA Report.

This appendix provides the Socio-economics Stakeholder Consultation Participation: summary of stakeholder participation and consultation approach.

Key Stakeholder Consultation

A range of key stakeholders were invited to participate in consultation to inform the socio-economic assessment. This included national and regional representative organisations as well as local authority officers and community council representatives within the Socio-economics local study area. Invitations were issued to 21 organisations in total, with 7 organisations participating during the course of the process. Stakeholders were initially invited via email to book a 1-hour slot at their own convenience. Those stakeholder who did not initially respond were followed up with further emails and phone calls (where phone numbers were available) in an attempt to secure their input.

Table A13.4.1 summarises the participation of each invited stakeholder organisation.


Table A13.4.1 Socio-economics and tourism stakeholder consultation participation




Local Authorities



City of Edinburgh Council

Consultation session on 14/12/2021


East Lothian Council

Consultation session on 21/12/2021


Scottish Borders Council

Consultation session on 21/12/2021





Scottish Enterprise

Consultation session on 14/12/2021


Marine Scotland

Nil response

No response to invitation to participate in stakeholder consultation process. Written response received relating to separate, specific clarification questions relating to scoping responses.

Energy Skills Partnership

Nil response


Scottish Government

Consultation session on 20/12/2021


Forth & Tay Offshore

Nil response


Community Councils (Local Authority in parentheses)

Dunbar (East Lothian)

Consultation session on 21/12/21

West Barns and Dunbar Community Councils were represented by the same individual.

West Barns (East Lothian)

Consultation session on 21/12/21

West Barns and Dunbar Community Councils were represented by the same individual.

Prestonpans  (East Lothian)

Nil response


Cockenzie & Port Seton (East Lothian)

Nil response


East Lammermuir (East Lothian)

Nil response


North Berwick (East Lothian)

Nil response


Dunpender (East Lothian)

Nil response


Gullane Area (East Lothian)

Nil response


Coldingham (Scottish Border)

Nil response


Cockburnspath and Cove (Scottish Border)

Nil response


Burnmouth (Scottish Border)

Nil response


St Abbs (Scottish Border)

Nil response


Eyemouth (Scottish Border)

Nil response





Stakeholders contacted



Stakeholders consulted




Community Consultation

During the course of the project’s development thus far, The Applicant has conducted four community consultation events. The approach to advertising each consultation events is summarised in Table A13.4.2.

Table A13.4.2 Community consultation events advertising approach

Advertising platform


November 2020


Local newspaper

Advertisements were taken out in the following local news publications:

  • The Courier - 19/11/2020
  • East Lothian Courier – 19/11/2020 and 26/11/2020
  • St Andrew’s Citizen - 20/11/2020 and 27/11/2020
  • Berwickshire News - 01/11/2020 and 26/11/2020

In addition, a press release was issued to the Press Association by the Applicant on 13 November 2021.

Project webpage

A dedicated webpage was set up by SSER to host information about the project and provide updates as the project progresses

Social media

The events were publicised via the Applicant’s Facebook and Twitter pages, in addition to a sponsored LinkedIn campaign.


Emails were sent to multiple organisations, affected stakeholders, elected councillors, MSPs, MPs and Community Councils informing them of the events.  All parties were invited to share notice of our events through their own contacts and channels.

Mail drop

A mail drop containing information was sent to all properties situated 3km of the proposed on-shore landfall location in East Lammermuir. The mailing contained a letter, contact details of the project stakeholder engagement manager and a brief information brochure on the project.

October 2021


Local newspaper

Advertisements were taken out in the following publications.


  • East Lothian Courier – 20/11/2021

Project webpage

A dedicated webpage was set up by the Applicant to host information about the project and provide updates as the project progresses.

Social media

The events were publicised via the Applicant’s Facebook, Linked In and Twitter pages.


Emails were sent to multiple organisations, affected stakeholders, elected councillors, MSPs, MPs and Community Councils informing them of the events.  All parties were invited to share notice of our events through their own contacts and channels.

Mail drop

A mail drop containing information was sent to all properties situated 3miles of North Berwick, Innerwick and Dunbar. This resulted in over 10,000 letters being mailed. The mailing contained a letter, contact details of the project stakeholder engagement manager and a brief information brochure on the project.

December 2021


Local newspaper

Advertisements were taken out in the following publications.

  • East Lothian Courier – 02/12/2021
  • East Lothian Courier – Digital Package – advertising on and East Lothian Courier Facebook page.

A press release was also issued to local press regarding the event.

Project webpage

A dedicated webpage was set up by the Applicant to host information about the project and provide updates as the project progresses.

Social media

The events were publicised via the Applicant’s Facebook, Linked In and Twitter pages.


Emails were sent to multiple organisations, affected stakeholders, elected councillors, MSPs, MPs and Community Councils informing them of the events.  All parties were invited to share notice of our events through their own contacts and channels.

Mail drop

A mail drop containing information was sent to all properties situated 3 miles of North Berwick, Innerwick, East Linton and Dunbar. This resulted in over 13,000 letters being mailed. The mailing contained a letter, contact details of the project stakeholder engagement manager and information on how to attend the public events

March 2022


Local newspaper

Advertisements were taken out in the following publications.

  • East Lothian Courier – 24/02/2022 and 03/03/2022
  • East Lothian Courier – Digital Package – Advertising on and East Lothian Courier Facebook page.

Advertising was placed in the main body of the paper and in the Public Notices section to comply with PoAN legislation. The public notice was also placed in the East Lothian Courier on 20 January 2022.

Project webpage

A dedicated webpage was set up by the Applicant to host information about the project and provide updates as the project progresses.

Social media

The events were publicised via the Applicant’s Facebook, Linked In and Twitter pages.


Emails were sent to multiple organisations, affected stakeholders, elected councillors, MSPs, MPs and Community Councils informing them of the events.  All parties were invited to share notice of our events through their own contacts and channels.

Mail drop

A mail drop containing information was sent to all properties situated 3 miles of North Berwick, Innerwick, East Linton and Dunbar. This resulted in just over 11,000 letters being posted. The mailing contained a letter, contact details of the project stakeholder engagement manager and information on how to attend the public events.

Question and answer (Q&A) session

The Town Hall Q&A on 29 March 2022 was advertised by the Parish Council via a local newsletter and word of mouth.