15. Summary of Residual Effects

15.1.   Introduction

15.1. Introduction

  1. Table 15.1   Open ▸ and Table 15.2   Open ▸ present a summary of the residual environmental effects identified in the technical sections of the Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) Report.
  2. Table 15.3   Open ▸ and Table 15.4   Open ▸ provide a summary of cumulative effects of the Proposed Development in combination with other proposed and consented developments in the local area.
  3. This chapter is supported by Volume 4, Appendix 15.1 which presents a Schedule of Environmental Commitments for the Proposed Development, and by Volume 4, Appendix 15.2 which presents an assessment of Inter-related Effects for the Proposed Development.


Table 15.1:
Summary of Potential Likely Significant Environmental Effects

Table 15.1   Open ▸ Summary of Potential Likely Significant Environmental Effects


Table 15.2:
Summary of Likely Significant Effects, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 15.2   Open ▸ Summary of Likely Significant Effects, Mitigation and Monitoring


Table 15.3:
Summary of Potential Likely Significant Cumulative Environmental Effects

Table 15.3   Open ▸ Summary of Potential Likely Significant Cumulative Environmental Effects


Table 15.4:
Summary of Likely Cumulative Environmental Effects, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 15.4   Open ▸ Summary of Likely Cumulative Environmental Effects, Mitigation and Monitoring