4. Conclusions
- This transboundary screening has been carried out considering the location of the Proposed Development and the current project description (volume 1, chapter 3). There is the potential for transboundary impacts associated with the Proposed Development for the following topics:
- fish and shellfish ecology;
- offshore and intertidal ornithology; and
- shipping and navigation.
- It is proposed that the following EU states should be consulted on whether they intend to participate (recommended based on potential for impact on birds due to large mean maximum foraging range of some seabirds, potential for impact on migratory fish species, and potential for impact on shipping and navigation receptors, particularly in relation to transits to/from other countries including effects on shipping routes to/from EEA State ports):
- Netherlands;
- Denmark;
- Germany; and
- Norway.
5. References
HM Government (2019). The Environment (EU Exit) (Scotland) (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2019. Available at: The Environment (EU Exit) (Scotland) (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2019 (legislation.gov.uk). Accessed on 20 September 2021.
MS-LOT (2022). Scoping Opinion for Berwick Bank Wind Farm. Available at: scoping_opinion_8.pdf (marine.gov.scot).
Planning Inspectorate (PINS) (2015). Advice Note Twelve: Transboundary Impacts and Process. Available at: Advice Note Twelve: Transboundary Impacts and Process | National Infrastructure Planning (planninginspectorate.gov.uk). Accessed on 20 September 2021.
Scottish Government (2018). Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy Applications: Consenting and Licensing Manual.
Scottish Government (2020). EU Exit: habitats regulations in Scotland. Available at: EU Exit: habitats regulations in Scotland - gov.scot (www.gov.scot). Accessed on 20 September 2021.
SSER (2020). 2020 Berwick Bank Wind Farm: Offshore Scoping Report. Available at: https://www.sserenewables.com/media/0t5n05b4/berwick-bank-wind-farm-offshore-scoping-report.pdf. Accessed on: 15 September 2021.
SSER (2021a). Berwick Bank Wind Farm Offshore Scoping Report. Available at: https://berwickbank-eia.com/offshore-scoping/. Accessed on 25 October 2021.
SSER (2022c). Berwick Bank Wind Farm Offshore Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment.