5. Summary
- The following sections provide a summary of the fish and shellfish baseline characterisation and detail the IEFs to be considered in the EIA, as informed by the baseline.
5.2. Baseline
- The fish assemblage within the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area is typical of the northern North Sea and the Forth and Tay SMR. This is confirmed through site-specific survey and baseline data available from other developments in vicinity of the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area, with a mix of demersal and pelagic species. There are known spawning and nursery grounds for nine species, including spawning grounds for cod, herring and sandeel. Herring spawning grounds were further investigated, the results showing while there is some spawning activity which occurs in the vicinity of the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area, the majority of herring spawning occurs to the north and south of the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area. Habitat suitability for sandeel was assessed, with the majority of the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area having suitable and, in some areas, prime habitat for sandeel.
- Eight species of diadromous fish were identified as having the potential to be present within and in proximity to the Forth and Tay SMR, of which Atlantic salmon, sea trout, sea lamprey, European eel and allis and twaite shad were deemed to have the potential to occur within the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area. Six SACs designated for diadromous fish species are present (or with the potential to be present, however remote), within the vicinity of the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area, and one Nature Conservation MPA, designated for sandeel is present in the northern North Sea fish and shellfish ecology study area to the north of the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area.
- Shellfish in the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area and Forth and Tay SMR include Nephrops, European lobster, edible crab, velvet swimming crab and squid, which are targeted by commercial fisheries in the locality. Nephrops habitat was assessed, with favourable habitat identified, through biotope mapping and corroborated by incidental site-specific survey data, in the Proposed Development export cable corridor, but not within the Proposed Development array area.
5.3. Important Ecological Features
- IEFs are habitats, species, ecosystems and their functions/processes that are considered to be important and potentially impacted by the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area. As per stakeholder advice on the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area, guidance from the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) (2018) was used to assess IEFs. IEFs can be attributed to individual species (such as plaice) or species groups (for example other flat fish species). Each IEF is assigned a value or importance rating which are based on commercial, ecological and conservation importance, including PMFs and features of SACs etc. Table 5.1 Open ▸ details the criteria used for determining IEFs and Table 5.2 Open ▸ applies the defining criteria to specific species, providing justifications for importance rankings.
Table 5.1: Defining Criteria for IEFs
Table 5.2: IEF Species and Representative Groups within the Proposed Development Fish and Shellfish Ecology Study Area
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