6. Summary

  1. This section provides a summary of the aviation, military and communications baseline characterisation and details the receptors to be considered in the EIA (volume 2, chapter 14) as informed by the baseline.
  2. Based on the baseline characterisation and desktop study, the key aviation and military issues identified concern the potential impact of the Proposed Development on civilian and military radar systems. The interference (or "clutter") generated by the spinning blades of the turbines can desensitize radar in the area of the wind farm. This radar interference can hinder the detection of legitimate targets and therefore, operational safety. This review has determined that there are six potential ATC and AD radar systems that could be affected by the Proposed Development during its operational lifetime. The relevant radar systems are as follows:
  • MoD Brizlee Wood AD radar;
  • MoD Buchan AD radar;
  • MoD Leuchars Station ATC radar;
  • MoD Spadeadam Deadwater Fell ATC radar;
  • NERL Allanshill ATC radar; and
  • NERL Perwinnes ATC radar.
    1. The potential for impacts on other forms of communication was discounted.
    2. A summary of the potential effects of the Proposed Development on aviation and military receptors (and the potential need for mitigation to avoid or reduce these effects) is provided in Table 6.1   Open ▸ .


Table 6.1:
Summary of Potential Impacts on Aviation Receptors

Table 6.1: Summary of Potential Impacts on Aviation Receptors

7. References

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CAA (2016). CAP 764 - CAA Policy and Guidelines on Wind Turbines (Version 6, February 2016). Available at: https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP764%20Issue6%20FINAL%20Feb.pdf. Accessed on: 15 June 2022.

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