Cumulative Impact on Change in Land Use

Magnitude of impact

132.           The construction of Branxton BESS Project will result in a loss of approximately 6.26 ha of Class 3.2 land, 0.13 ha of Class 3.1 land and 5.44 ha of Class 2 land. The breakdown of temporary and permanent land take of the Branxton BESS Project is not available at this time and therefore the cumulative temporary and permanent land take cannot be calculated.

133.           Assuming all land take is permanent as a worst-case scenario, the cumulative loss of prime agricultural land associated with the Branxton BESS Project, the SPEN Eastern Link – Branxton Grid Substation and the Proposed Development will be less than 23 ha.

134.           The impact of permanent change in land use is predicted to be of local spatial extent, long term duration, continuous and low reversibility. The magnitude is therefore considered to be low.

Magnitude of impact

135.           Given the presence of Class 2 and 3.1 land (prime agricultural land) in additional land take, the sensitivity of this receptor is medium.

Significance of effect

136.           The magnitude of the impact of cumulative permanent changes to land use is deemed to be low, and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be medium. The effect will, therefore, be of minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.