Proposed Monitoring
167. No monitoring to test the predictions made within the assessment of likely significant effects on land use, tourism and recreation is considered necessary.
3. Other Issues
3.1. Flood Risk and Drainage
168. A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) was originally prepared as a Technical Appendix to Chapter 11 of the Onshore EIA Report. In response to comments from ELC’s Flood Risk Officer following the submission of the PPP, the FRA has been updated to align the assessment with NPF4 and is provided as an appendix to this document (Appendix A11.1). The following updates have been made:
- The assessment of coastal flood risk with respect to the landfall location has been updated to account for the most up to date sea level rise allowance for the 2100 epoch.
- In accordance with NPF4 the Braidwood Burn crossing assessment has been updated to ensure the proposed culvert can convey the estimated peak flow for the 1 in 200 year plus climate change design event.
169. The above changes have not affected the outcome of the FRA, with additional sea level rise being shown not to affect any above ground infrastructure and the proposed crossing of the Braidwood Burn is capable of conveying the updated design flow.
3.2. Ecology
170. The Phase 1 habitat survey data, used to inform the ecology chapter (Volume 1, Chapter 7 of the onshore EIA report), mapped the habitat along the Braidwood Burn corridor as broadleaved, semi-natural woodland, which is the dominant habitat type at that location. Following the consultation response from the East Lothian Council Officer, habitats under the footprint of the cable bridge crossing at Braidwood Burn were mapped in detail to assist with discussions regarding the potential impact of the crossing on Dunglass Burn LNCS and assist the Initial Biodiversity Net Gain assessment (see Section 3.4). When viewed at a smaller scale, habitats within the area of the cable bridge crossing include dense and scattered scrub, semi-improved grassland, and scattered trees.
171. In addition, the footprint of the both the Braidwood Burn crossing and the Skateraw Burn crossing, were assessed as temporary habitat loss within the ecology chapter. These areas have now been assessed as permanent habitat loss (as shown on Figures A1 and A2).
172. The above revisions have resulted in small amendments of habitat area values within Volume 1, Chapter 7, Sections 7.7.5, 7.8.3 and 7.11 including Table 7.11, Table 7.15 and Table 7.20. Figure 7.4 has also been updated and is presented as Figure A7.4 within this addendum.
173. Whilst these amendments have not altered the conclusions of the impact assessment, all amendments are included within the following sections, with amended text italicised.