Species-poor Hedgerow
Nature Conservation Value and Conservation Status
213. Hedgerow is listed under the East Lothian LBAP as a Priority Habitat. Approximately 7.36 km of species-poor hedgerow lies within the ecology study area.
Construction Phase
214. Impacts on species-poor hedgerows will include a direct and permanent loss where it lies under the footprint of the permanent works area as well as temporary disturbance of vegetation adjacent to works areas.
Magnitude of Impact
215. As shown on Figure A7.4 species-poor, intact and defunct hedgerow lies under both temporary and permanent work areas.
Temporary works area: A total of c.450 m of species-poor hedgerow lies under the footprint of temporary works areas and 140 m of species-poor intact hedgerow lies immediately adjacent to temporary works areas. Assuming works may impact a zone of up to 10 m either side of a hedgerow, approximately 600 m of hedgerow may be impacted by the temporary works.
Permanent works area: Approximately 460 m of species-poor hedgerow lies under the proposed onshore substation and adjacent access track. Assuming works may impact a zone of up to 10 m either side of a hedgerow, it is estimated that approximately 500 m of hedgerow may be impacted by the permanent works.
The total area impacted by temporary and permanent works (c. 1.1 km) is approximately 14.94% of the total area of hedgerow habitat recorded within the ecology study area.
216. The planting scheme for the Proposed Development will include replacement hedgerow planting within the temporary works areas, reducing the loss of hedgerows in the long-term to 6.79 % of the habitat recorded within the ecology study area.
217. The impact is predicted to be of local spatial extent, short-term duration, intermittent and medium reversibility. It is predicted that the impact will affect the receptor directly. The magnitude is therefore considered to be low.
Sensitivity of the Receptor
218. The species-poor hedgerow habitat is deemed to be of low vulnerability, medium recoverability and local value. The sensitivity of the receptor is therefore considered to be low.
Significance of the Effect
219. Given the above consideration of sensitivity and magnitude, the significance of effect is considered to be negligible to minor adverse and not significant under the EIA Regulations.
Secondary Mitigation and Residual Effect
220. No secondary mitigation is considered necessary because the likely effect in the absence of secondary mitigation is not significant in EIA terms.