Disturbance or Habitat Loss: All species
Construction & Operational Phase
86. Cumulative impacts on roosting or foraging bird species during construction and operation activities due to disturbance or direct habitat loss.
Magnitude of impact
87. No significant impacts were predicted for any species based on the scoped in cumulative projects displayed in Table 2.6 Open ▸ . The assessment above predicted there would be no significant impacts on any species during construction and operation of the Proposed Development.
88. It is considered that the cumulative construction and operational are assessed to be of short-term duration, reversible and will affect the receptors directly. The magnitude is therefore considered to be barely perceptible.
Sensitivity of the receptor
89. Sensitivity of all species is as set out in Volume 1, Chapter 8: Table 8.9 of the Onshore EIA Report.
Significance of the effect
90. The cumulative effect on all species as a result of construction and operation is considered to be negligible and therefore not significant in the context of the EIA Regulations.
Secondary mitigation and residual effect
91. No secondary mitigation is considered necessary because the likely effect in the absence of secondary mitigation is not significant in EIA terms.