14.15.            References

14.15. References


East Lothian Council (2018) Local Development Plan. Available at: https://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/downloads/file/27791/local_development_plan_2018_adopted_270918

East Lothian Council (2018) The East Lothian Tourism Action Plan 2016-18. Available at https://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/downloads/file/23154/east_lothian_tourism_action_plan_2016-18

East Lothian Council (2022) East Lothian Visitor Survey 2021. Available at: https://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/downloads/file/28174/east_lothian_visitor_survey_2021

Scottish Government (2014) Scottish Planning Policy. Available at:

Scottish Government (2014) National Planning Framework. Available at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/national-planning-framework-3/documents/

SEPA (2021). Bathing Waters. Available at: https://www2.sepa.org.uk/BathingWaters/Locations.aspx

Macaulay Institute for Soil Research (1984-87), Land Capability for Agriculture maps of Scotland at a scale of 1:50 000. Available at: https://soils.environment.gov.scot/maps/capabilitymaps/landcapability-for-agriculture-partial-cover/


[1] Utilising most recent published information at the time of writing.

[2] This value may vary from the total Planning Boundary Site area due to LCA data extent.

[3] C = Construction, O = Operational and maintenance, D = Decommissioning

[4] 49.03 ha total temporary and permanent prime agricultural land take. 330.07 ha total study area