Table A2. Islands on the east coast of the UK from RSPB Islands Database that also support breeding colonies of the key species (identified from JNCC Seabird Nesting Counts). Highlighted sites show islands that support at least some of the key species and have no biosecurity measures in place.
FID | X | Y | Site name/description | Kittiwake AON | Guillemot (inds) | Razorbill (inds) | Puffin AOB | Gannet AON | Rodent status | Other information |
1417 | 4419014 | 564949 | Marsden Rock | 2472 | 0 | small colony | 0 | 0 | May not be rats - cliff faces extremely steep | Joined to mainland at LW. |
1480 | 429365 | 604643 | Coquet Island | 51 | 0 | 0 | 17208 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1501 | 424706 | 638991 | Longstone (Farnes) |
| 2 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1510 | 423769 | 637722 | Brownsman and Staple (Farnes) | 2406 | 20015 | 67 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1511 | 424023 | 638540 | Harcar (Farnes) | 113 | 117 | 8 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1514 | 423758 | 638170 | Roddam and Green (Farnes) | 30 | 170 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1522 | 423468 | 638393 | Wamses (Farnes) | 157 | 1483 | 15 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1523 | 422818 | 636015 | Skeney Scar (Farnes) | 121 | 1306 | 12 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1528 | 422141 | 636128 | Inner Farne, Wideopens, Knoxes | 2246 | 8196 | 103 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
1531 | 420564 | 637302 | Megstone (Farnes) | 23 | 210 | 2 | 0 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
2001 | 368152 | 679585 | Dunbar – includes rocky outcrops offshore | 808 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Most of colony on mainland, a few Kittiwakes nesting on outcrops. | See section 4 |
2035 | 365559 | 699428 | Isle of May (Forth Islands) | 5193 | 18,156 | 4813 | 39200 | 0 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
2121 | 360225 | 687391 | Bass Rock (Forth Islands) | 1307 | 2422 | 116 | 0 | 44110 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
2156 | 355281 | 686995 | Craigleith (Forth Islands) | 511 | 1708 | 186 | 28000 |
| No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
2158 | 353482 | 686596 | Lamb (Forth Islands) | 115 | 3760 | 101 | 7 |
| No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
2172 | 351283 | 686841 | Fidra (Forth Islands) | 225 | 376 | 161 | 405 |
| No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
2278 | 329391 | 682653 | Inchkeith | 349 | 48 | 85 | 1641 |
| Some evidence of rats | Suitable |
2343 | 320706 | 680438 | Inchmickery | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | No rats, biosecurity plan in place | Not suitable |
2385 | 318935 | 682544 | Inchcolm | 116 | 0 | 5 | 40 | 0 | Black rat present | Suitable |
Table A3. Islands in the UK supporting gannetries and breeding colonies of the other key species.
Site | Subsite | Gannet AON | Kittiwake AON | Guillemot (inds) | Razorbill (inds) | Puffin AOB | Suitability for rat removal |
BULL ROCK* | THE BULL | 1879 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SPA, no evidence of rats |
IRELAND'S EYE* | IRELAND'S EYE 2 | 147 | 809 | 1336 | 202 | 0 | SPA, no evidence of rats |
LITTLE SKELLIG* | LITTLE SKELLIG - WHOLE ISLAND | 28799 | 250 | 1129 | 68 | 0 | SPA, IBA, no evidence of rats |
CLARE ISLAND* | CLARE ISLAND 12 | 3 | 503 | 970 | 190 | 25 | SPA, no evidence of rats |
GREAT SALTEE* | GREAT SALTEE ISLAND | 1930 | 2125 | 21436 | 3239 | 1522 | SPA, rat removal plan underway |
CHANNEL ISLANDS | LES ETACS | 3450 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No rats |
CHANNEL ISLANDS | ORTAC | 2500 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No rats |
FORTH ISLANDS - BASS ROCK TO HAYSTACK | BASS ROCK | 44110 | 1307 | 2422 | 116 | 0 | SPA, biosecurity measures already underway |
AILSA CRAIG | AILSA CRAIG (WHOLE ISLAND) | 35825 | 1675 | 9415 | 1471 | 20 | SPA, rats already removed |
SULE STACK | SULE STACK1 | 5137 | 51 | 1062 | 10 | 0 | SPA, no rats |
FAIR ISLE | WHOLE ISLAND | 1123 | 8204 | 39257 | 3599 | 40000 | No rats |
FOULA | FOULA 8 | 603 | 1061 | 22874 | 369 | 0 | SPA, biosecurity measures already underway |
FOULA | FOULA 9 | 120 | 346 | 4730 | 116 | 0 | SPA, biosecurity measures already underway |
NOSS NNR | NOSS | 8017 | 2395 | 45777 | 1984 | 1892 | SPA, biosecurity measures already underway |
BORERAY, ST KILDA | BORERAY GANNETS | 61340 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SPA, rats already removed |
FLANNAN ISLES | ROAREIM | 1244 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SPA, biosecurity measures already underway |
SULA SGEIR ISLAND | SULA SGEIR | 10703 | 1206 | 20877 | 801 | 177 | SPA, no rats present |
MONRIETH CLIFFS & SCAR ROCKS | BIG SCAR | 1670 | 4 | 1753 | 39 | 0 | RSPB reserve, no rats |
GRASSHOLM, BISHOP & CLERKS, AND RAMSEY | GRASSHOLM | 30688 | 7 | 1346 | 31 | 0 | SPA, biosecurity measures already underway |
*SPAs in the Republic of Ireland are not covered under the Biosecurity LIFE Project.
Table A4. Top Twenty islands in the UK for Guillemot based on abundance.
Rank | Site | Subsite | Guillemot | Razorbill | Puffin | Kittiwake |
1 | HANDA ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 112676 | 16991 | 735 | 7013 |
2 | RATHLIN ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 95117 | 20860 | 1579 | 9917 |
3 | LAMBAY ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 60754 | 4337 | 289 | 4091 |
4 | NOSS | WHOLE ISLAND | 45777 | 1984 | 1892 | 2395 |
5 | FOULA | WHOLE ISLAND | 41435 | 2121 | 22500 | 1934 |
6 | FAIR ISLE | WHOLE ISLAND | 39257 | 3599 | 40000 | 8204 |
7 | FARNE ISLANDS | ALL ISLANDS | 31497 | 209 | 55674 | 5096 |
8 | ISLE OF MAY | WHOLE ISLAND COUNT | 28103 | 4114 | 42000 | 3639 |
9 | COLONSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 26429 | 2742 | 1 | 6485 |
10 | ISLE OF COLONSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 26429 | 2742 | 1 | 6485 |
11 | GREAT SALTEE | WHOLE ISLAND | 21436 | 3239 | 1522 | 2125 |
12 | SULA SGEIR | WHOLE ISLAND | 20877 | 801 | 177 | 1206 |
13 | COPINSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 20045 | 671 | 350 | 4364 |
14 | BERNERAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 19083 | 16513 | 1979 | 2613 |
15 | SHIANT ISLANDS | ALL ISLANDS | 16456 | 8046 | 65170 | 2006 |
17 | FLANNAN ISLES | ALL ISLANDS | 14638 | 1569 | 15761 | 1244 |
18 | SKOMER AND MIDDLEHOLM ISLANDS | SKOMER ISLAND | 13852 | 3898 | 7076 | 2257 |
19 | MINGULAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 13387 | 6387 | 3827 | 2898 |
20 | NORTH RONA | WHOLE ISLAND | 10497 | 824 | 5265 | 3398 |
Table A5. Top twenty islands for Kittiwake based on abundance.
Rank | Site | Subsite | Kittiwake | Guillemot | Razorbill | Puffin |
1 | BORERAY, ST KILDA | WHOLE ISLAND | 61340 | 5880 | 256 | 50999 |
2 | RATHLIN ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 9917 | 95117 | 20860 | 1579 |
3 | FAIR ISLE | WHOLE ISLAND | 8204 | 39257 | 3599 | 40000 |
4 | HANDA ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 7013 | 112676 | 16991 | 735 |
5 | COLONSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 6485 | 26429 | 2742 | 1 |
6 | ISLE OF COLONSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 6485 | 26429 | 2742 | 1 |
7 | FARNE ISLANDS | ALL ISLANDS | 5096 | 31497 | 209 | 55674 |
8 | COPINSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 4364 | 20045 | 671 | 350 |
9 | LAMBAY ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 4091 | 60754 | 4337 | 289 |
10 | ISLE OF MAY | WHOLE ISLAND COUNT | 3639 | 28103 | 4114 | 42000 |
11 | NORTH RONA | WHOLE ISLAND | 3398 | 10497 | 824 | 5265 |
12 | MINGULAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 2898 | 13387 | 6387 | 3827 |
13 | ROUSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 2713 | 6205 | 510 | 53 |
14 | BERNERAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 2613 | 19083 | 16513 | 1979 |
15 | NOSS | WHOLE ISLAND | 2395 | 45777 | 1984 | 1892 |
16 | SKOMER AND MIDDLEHOLM ISLANDS | SKOMER ISLAND | 2257 | 13852 | 3898 | 7076 |
17 | GREAT SALTEE | WHOLE ISLAND | 2125 | 21436 | 3239 | 1522 |
18 | SHIANT ISLANDS | ALL ISLANDS | 2006 | 16456 | 8046 | 65170 |
19 | FOULA | WHOLE ISLAND | 1934 | 41435 | 2121 | 22500 |
20 | AILSA CRAIG | WHOLE ISLAND | 1675 | 9415 | 1,471 | 20 |
Table A6. Top twenty islands for Razorbill based on abundance.
Rank | Site | Subsite | Razorbill | Kittiwake | Guillemot | Puffin |
1 | RATHLIN ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 20860 | 9917 | 95117 | 1579 |
2 | HANDA ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 16991 | 7013 | 112676 | 735 |
3 | BERNERAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 16513 | 2613 | 19083 | 1979 |
4 | SHIANT ISLANDS | ALL ISLANDS | 8046 | 2006 | 16456 | 65170 |
5 | MINGULAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 6387 | 2898 | 13387 | 3827 |
6 | LAMBAY ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 4337 | 4091 | 60754 | 289 |
7 | ISLE OF MAY | WHOLE ISLAND COUNT | 4114 | 3639 | 28103 | 42000 |
8 | SKOMER AND MIDDLEHOLM ISLANDS | SKOMER ISLAND | 3898 | 2257 | 13852 | 7076 |
9 | FAIR ISLE | WHOLE ISLAND | 3599 | 8204 | 39257 | 40000 |
10 | GREAT SALTEE | WHOLE ISLAND | 3239 | 2125 | 21436 | 1522 |
11 | COLONSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 2742 | 6485 | 26429 | 1 |
12 | ISLE OF COLONSAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 2742 | 6485 | 26429 | 1 |
13 | FOULA | WHOLE ISLAND | 2121 | 1934 | 41435 | 22500 |
14 | NOSS | WHOLE ISLAND | 1984 | 2395 | 45777 | 1892 |
15 | FLANNAN ISLES | ALL ISLANDS | 1569 | 1244 | 14638 | 15761 |
17 | GRASSHOLM, BISHOP & CLERKS, AND RAMSEY | RAMSEY ISLAND | 1499 | 293 | 3284 | 0 |
18 | AILSA CRAIG | WHOLE ISLAND | 1471 | 1675 | 9415 | 20 |
19 | SKOKHOLM | WHOLE ISLAND | 1234 | 0 | 996 | 2055 |
20 | TORY ISLAND AND BLOODY FORELAND | TORY ISLAND | 1002 | 408 | 568 | 1402 |
Table A7. Top twenty islands for Puffin based on abundance.
Rank | Site | Subsite | Puffin | Guillemot | Razorbill | Kittiwake |
1 | SHIANT ISLANDS | ALL ISLANDS | 65170 | 16456 | 8046 | 2006 |
2 | SULE SKERRY | WHOLE ISLAND | 59471 | 10331 | 88 | 1275 |
3 | FARNE ISLANDS | ALL ISLANDS | 55674 | 31497 | 209 | 5096 |
4 | BORERAY, ST KILDA | WHOLE ISLAND | 50999 | 5880 | 256 | 61340 |
5 | ISLE OF MAY | WHOLE ISLAND COUNT | 42000 | 28103 | 4114 | 3639 |
6 | FAIR ISLE | WHOLE ISLAND | 40000 | 39257 | 3599 | 8204 |
7 | FORTH ISLANDS - BASS ROCK TO HAYSTACK | CRAIGLEITH | 28000 | 1708 | 186 | 511 |
8 | SOAY, ST KILDA | WHOLE ISLAND | 27600 | 4404 | 197 | 0 |
9 | FOULA | WHOLE ISLAND | 22500 | 41435 | 2121 | 1934 |
10 | COQUET ISLAND | WHOLE ISLAND | 17208 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | FLANNAN ISLES | ALL ISLANDS | 15761 | 14638 | 1569 | 1244 |
12 | SKOMER AND MIDDLEHOLM ISLANDS | SKOMER ISLAND | 7076 | 13852 | 3898 | 2257 |
13 | NORTH RONA | WHOLE ISLAND | 5265 | 10497 | 824 | 3398 |
14 | PUFFIN ISLAND - KERRY | WHOLE ISLAND | 5125 | 92 | 35 | 0 |
15 | GREAT SKELLIG | WHOLE ISLAND | 4000 | 1422 | 386 | 0 |
16 | MINGULAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 3827 | 13387 | 6387 | 2898 |
17 | SKOKHOLM | WHOLE ISLAND | 2055 | 996 | 1234 | 0 |
18 | BERNERAY | WHOLE ISLAND | 1979 | 19083 | 16513 | 2613 |
19 | NOSS | WHOLE ISLAND | 1892 | 45777 | 1984 | 2395 |
20 | TRESHNISH ISLES | LUNGA (WHOLE ISLAND) | 1738 | 9433 | 943 | 782 |
Figure A9: Map of Handa showing Gaelic place names
Please note no mapping was carried out in 2019.
[1] Meeting held 26th November 2021.
[2] Email from NatureScot sent to SSER dated 26th April 2022.
[3] Https://
[4] Seabird Nesting Counts (British Isles) -
[5] SWT 2021. Handa Island Wildlife Reserve. Ranger’s Report 2021.
[6] Forth Islands Heritage Group 2021.
[7] Defined as being in the top twenty sites for that species, based on size of breeding colony.
[8] RSPB Priority list taken from Table 4 in LIFE13 NAT/UK/00209. Final Report. Covering the project activities from 01/10/2013 to 31/12/2018. Protecting and restoring the Shiant Isles SPA through rat removal, and safeguarding other seabird island SPAs in the UK.
[9] The target species for Inchcolm are Kittiwake, Razorbill, Puffin and Guillemot. Whilst Guillemot do not currently nest on Inchcolm the habitat is considered suitable.
[10] This includes the 10 birds observed in the 2021 survey conducted by the Forth Islands Heritage Group (FIHG 2021).
[11] Celebrating Seabird Success on the Island of Lundy and the Isles of Scilly - RSPB England - Our work - The RSPB Community
[12] Ailsa Craig - A Puffin Success Story - Argyll Cruising
[15] Celebrating Seabird Success on the Island of Lundy and the Isles of Scilly - RSPB England - Our work - The RSPB Community
[16] It is possible that the arrival of hedgehogs in 2002 and their subsequent increase may have been responsible, although this cannot be proven.
[17] Two-tailed test, n=6, Test statistic =0, Critical value= 0, p=0.05.
[18] Two-tailed test, n=6, Test statistic =0, Critical value= 0, p=0.05.
[19] These values vary very little over time.
[21] RSPB Scotland Comments on Berwick Bank Wind Farm: Meeting 4, 21st September 2022.
[23] Email from NatureScot sent to SSER dated 26th April 2022.
[24] NatureScot advice on questions from 8th June derogation case meeting, letter received 6th July 2022.
[25] Marine Scotland Science responses to questions issued by Berwick Bank at the 3rd Compensatory measures meeting (held 8 June 2022) (Letter dated 12 July 2022).
[27] It should be noted in 1987 individual sections were not counted but an overall total count was obtained from the East Lothian Bird Report
[28] Email from NatureScot sent to SSER dated 26th April 2022.
[29] It should be noted that the nests on the Sea wall (10) are regularly flooded out by storms. The numbers refer back to the locations marked in green on Figure 4.2
[30] This initiative involves giving fishing boats big bags to collect the plastics, ghost gear and other debris that gathers in their nets during normal fishing activities. When the fishing boats come into port, they unload the bags of litter. Rubbish is recycled or disposed of on land.
[31] Marine Scotland Science responses to questions issued by Berwick Bank at the 3rd Compensatory measures meeting (held 8 June 2022)
[32] The only exception to this being the Gannet harvest at Sula Sgeir.
[33] Although anecdotal evidence suggests that Gannet nests also suffer predation from Great-Black Backed Gull, the density and sheer number of Gannet nests on Bass Rock means that working on this species at this site would be prohibitively difficult.
[34] Great Black-backed Gull may soon be moved to the Red list due to severe population declines.
[35] Email from NatureScot sent to SSER dated 26th April 2022.
[36] An MSc student on Craigleith found a Puffin midden where a pair had stockpiled 30 corpses (The Forth Seabird Group 2019). Finney 2002 states that 3 specialist pairs on Isle of May took half the 191 Puffins found during corpse searches, giving an average of ~30 corpses per pair.
[37] Great Black-backed Gulls stash dead Puffins, often leaving the carcasses in pools to soften them.
[38] This is not enough Puffins to result in a population decline, to do this several thousand Puffins would need to be killed per year. (S. Lopez pers. comm.)
[39] In Great Skuas seabird predation increases in response to decreasing prey availability offshore (Votier et al 2004)
[40] Stealing fish from birds returning to the colony to feed chicks.
[41] Most recent counts presented in JNCC 2021.
[43] The chick that is born second.
[45] NatureScot advice on questions from 8th June derogation case meeting, letter received 6th July 2022.