4. Information on the Proposed Development
4.1. Overview of the Proposed Development
- This chapter of the RIAA provides an outline description of the Proposed Development and describes the activities likely to be associated with the construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning of the Proposed Development. It summarises the design and components of the Proposed Development infrastructure, based on conceptual design information and refinement of the Proposed Development parameters following receipt of the Offshore EIA Scoping Opinion for the initial Berwick Bank Wind Farm Proposal, and understanding of the environment from site-specific survey and desk-top analysis.
4.1.2. Project Design Envelope
- The Project Design Envelope (PDE) approach (also known as the Rochdale Envelope approach) has been adopted for the assessment of the Proposed Development. The PDE concept allows for some flexibility in project design options, particularly for foundations and wind turbine type, where the full details of a Project are not known at Application submission.
- The PDE establishes a series of realistic design assumptions from which worst case parameters are drawn for the Proposed Development.
4.2. Offshore Infrastructure
4.2.1. Overview
- The key offshore components of the Proposed Development (seaward of MHWS), as shown in Figure 4.1 Open ▸ , will include:
- up to 307 wind turbines (each comprising a tower section, nacelle and three rotor blades) and associated support structures and foundations;
- up to ten OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms and associated support structures and foundations to accommodate for a combined High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC)/High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission system solution or a HVDC solution;
- estimated scour protection of up to 10,984 m2 per wind turbine and 11,146 m2 per OSP/Offshore convertor station platforms;
- a network of inter-array cabling linking the individual wind turbines to each other and to the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms plus inter-connections between OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms (approximately 1,225 km of inter-array cabling and 94 km of interconnector cabling); and
- up to eight offshore export cables connecting the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms to landfall at Skateraw. Offshore export cable design includes both HVAC and HVDC solutions.
- The Applicant is also developing an additional export cable and grid connection to Blyth, Northumberland (hereafter the “Cambois connection”). Applications for the necessary consents (including marine licences) will be applied for separately once further development work has been undertaken on this offshore export corridor. The Cambois connection has been included as a cumulative project for the purposes of the offshore EIA and assessed based on the information presented in the Cambois connection Scoping Report submitted in October 2022 (SSER, 2022e). An EIA and HRA will be prepared to support any relevant consent Applications that are required to deliver the Cambois connection which will also consider cumulative effects with the Proposed Development.
Figure 4.1: Project Overview[6]
4.2.2. Wind Turbines
- The Proposed Development will comprise up to 307 wind turbines, with the final number of wind turbines dependent on the capacity of individual wind turbines used, and also environmental and engineering survey results. The PDE considers a range of wind turbines with parameters reflective of potential generating capacities, allowing for a degree of flexibility to account for any anticipated developments in wind turbine technology while still allowing each of the impacts assessed within the technical assessments (volume 2, chapters 7 to 21), to define the maximum design scenario for the assessment of effects. Consent is therefore sought for the physical parameters of the wind turbines which form the basis of the maximum design scenario such as maximum tip height or rotor diameter, as presented in the PDE rather than actual installed capacity of the wind turbine.
- A range of wind turbine models have been considered. The parameters in Table 4.1 Open ▸ provide for both the maximum number of wind turbines, as well as the largest wind turbine within the PDE. As set out in paragraph 69, the coupling of these maximum dimensions will not provide a realistic design scenario; as a reduced number of wind turbines will likely be required if an increased rated output of wind turbine model is chosen. Table 4.1 Open ▸ describes the maximum parameters that apply.
- The wind turbines will comprise a horizontal axis rotor with three blades connected to the nacelle of the wind turbine. Table 4.1 Open ▸ presents the design envelope for wind turbines while Figure 4.2 Open ▸ illustrates a schematic of a typical offshore wind turbine.
Figure 4.2: Indicative Schematic of an Offshore Wind Turbine on a Jacket Foundation
- The maximum rotor blade diameter will be no greater than 310 m, with a maximum blade tip height of 355 m above LAT (Lowest Astronomical Tide) and a minimum blade tip height of 37 m above LAT. A scheme for wind turbine lighting and navigation marking will be approved by Scottish Ministers following consultation with appropriate consultees post consent. Outlines plans have been provided with the Application in volume 4 of the Offshore EIA Report. The layout of the wind turbines will be developed to best utilise both the available wind resource, suitability of seabed conditions and wake effects, while seeking to minimise environmental effects and impacts on other marine users (such as fisheries and shipping routes).
- Figure 4.3 Open ▸ presents an indicative wind farm layout based on the maximum design scenario of 307 wind turbines, while Figure 4.4 Open ▸ displays an indicative wind farm layout should 179 wind turbines were to be installed. The final layout of the wind turbines will be confirmed at the final design stage (post-consent).
Table 4.1: Design Envelope: Wind Turbines
Figure 4.3: Berwick Bank Wind Farm Preliminary Indicative Layout for 307 Wind Turbines Each Square Being 5 km x 5 km)
Figure 4.4: Berwick Bank Wind Farm Preliminary Indicative Layout for 179 Wind Turbines Each Square Being 5 km x 5 km)
- To improve operation, productivity and prevent wear on parts, a number of consumables may be required for the wind turbines. These may include:
- grease;
- synthetic oil;
- hydraulic oil;
- gear oil;
- lubricants;
- nitrogen;
- water/glycerol;
- transformer silicon/ester oil;
- diesel fuel;
- sulphur hexafluoride SF6; and
- glycol/coolants
The quantities required are dependent on the make and model of the wind turbines yet to be selected. Indicative values are provided in the relevant chapters (e.g. volume 2, chapter 19) that enable a precautionary assessment to be undertaken.
Wind turbine foundations and support structures
- To allow for flexibility in foundation choice, two types of wind turbine support structures and foundations are being considered for the Proposed Development:
- piled jacket; and
- suction caisson jacket.
- Foundations will be fabricated offsite, stored at a suitable port facility (if required) and transported to site by sea. Specialist vessels will transport and install foundations. Scour protection (typically rock) may be required on the seabed and will be installed before and/or after foundation installation. The following section provides an overview of the foundation types which are being considered for wind turbines - foundation structures for OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms are discussed in section 4.2.3.
Piled jacket foundation
- The piled jacket foundations will be transported to site by sea. Once at site, the jacket foundation will be lifted by the installation vessel using a crane and lowered towards the seabed in a controlled manner. Piled jacket foundations are formed of a steel lattice construction (comprising tubular steel members and welded joints) secured to the seabed by driven and/or drilled pin piles attached to the jacket feet (as illustrated in Figure 4.5 Open ▸ ). The hollow steel pin piles are typically driven or drilled into the seabed, relying on the frictional and end bearing properties of the seabed for support. The PDE for jacket foundations with pin piles is provided in Table 4.2 Open ▸ .
Table 4.2: Design Envelope: Jacket Foundation with Pin Piles
Figure 4.5: Indicative Schematic of a Jacket Foundation with Pin Piles
Suction caisson jacket foundations
- Suction caisson jacket foundations are formed with a steel lattice construction (comprising tubular steel members and welded joints) fixed to the seabed by suction caissons installed below each leg of the jacket (as per Figure 4.6 Open ▸ ). The suction caissons are typically hollow steel cylinders, capped at the upper end, which are fitted underneath the legs of the jacket structure. They do not require a hammer or drill for installation.
- The suction caisson jacket foundations will be transported to site by sea. Once at site, the jacket foundation will be lifted by the installation vessel using a crane and lowered towards the seabed in a controlled manner. When the steel caisson reaches the seabed, a pipe running up through the stem above each caisson will begin to suck water out of each bucket. The buckets are pressed down into the seabed by the resulting suction force. When the bucket has penetrated the seabed to the desired depth, the pump is turned off. A thin layer of grout is then injected under the bucket to fill the air gap and ensure contact between the soil within the bucket, and the top of the bucket itself. The PDE for jacket foundations with suction caissons is provided in Table 4.3 Open ▸ .
Table 4.3: Design Envelope: Jacket Foundation with Suction Caisson
Figure 4.6: Indicative Schematic of a Jacket Foundation with Suction Caissons
4.2.3. Offshore Substation Platforms and Offshore Convertor Station Platforms
- The Applicant has three signed grid connection agreements with the network operator. Two agreements are for connection at the Branxton substation, with a third additional connection at Blyth, Northumberland (the Cambois connection). The Cambois connection agreement, was confirmed in June 2022 following National Grid’s Electricity System Operator (NGESO) Holistic Network Review, and will enable the Project to reach full generating capacity (4.1 GW) by early 2030’s.
- The offshore export cables and landfall infrastructure for the Cambois connection is being consented separately to the Proposed Development but has been considered cumulatively as part of this Application.
- The Project is currently considering HVAC and HVDC solutions for the Offshore Transmission Infrastructure. These solutions include:
– up to eight HVAC OSPs to facilitate connections to Branxton and two HVDC Offshore convertor station platforms that would be required for the Cambois connection (see Table 4.4 Open ▸ ); or
– up to five larger HVAC OSPs to facilitate connections to Branxton and two HVDC Offshore convertor station platforms that would be required for the Cambois connection (see Table 4.5 Open ▸ ).
- HVDC Option: Up to five HVDC Offshore convertor station platforms, two for the Branxton connection and two for the additional Cambois connection (see
Table 4.6
Open ▸
) This also includes an offshore interconnector platform.
- These offshore platforms will be utilised as OSPs/Offshore convertor stations platforms which transform electricity generated by the wind turbines to a higher voltage and thereby allowing the power to be efficiently transmitted to shore. The platforms’ topsides size will depend on the final electrical design for the wind farm but maximums could be up to 100 m (length) by 80 m (width), and up to 80 m in height (above LAT), excluding the helideck, antenna structure or lightning protection. The maximum design parameters for OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms are presented in Table 4.4 Open ▸ and Table 4.5 Open ▸ (Combined Options) and Table 4.6 Open ▸ (HVDC Option). It is proposed that the OSP/Offshore convertor station platform foundations will be painted yellow from the water line up to the topside structure and the topside will be painted light grey.
Table 4.4: Design Envelope: OSP/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (Combined Option A)
Table 4.5 Design Envelope: OSP/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (Combined Option B)
Table 4.6: Design Envelope: Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (HVDC Option)
- Table 4.7 Open ▸ presents the consumables which will be required for the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms at the Proposed Development. In addition, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) batteries, fire suppression systems, HVAC coolant and SF6 will also be required.
Table 4.7: Design Envelope: Consumables for the Offshore Substation Platforms (per OSP/Offshore Convertor Station Platform)
- Project design layout has not yet been finalised, however the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms will be located within the Proposed Development array area. The offshore platforms will be installed with piled jacket foundations or suction caissons, as described in section 4.2.2. The PDE for offshore platforms piled jacket foundations is shown in Table 4.8 Open ▸ (Combined Option A), Table 4.9 Open ▸ (Combined Option B) and Table 4.10 Open ▸ (HVDC Option). The PDE for offshore platforms suction caissons foundations is shown in Table 4.11 Open ▸ (Combined Option A), Table 4.12 Open ▸ (Combined Option B) and Table 4.13 Open ▸ (HVDC Option).
Table 4.8: Maximum Design Envelope: Jacket Foundation with Pin Piles for OSPs/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (Combined Option A)
Table 4.9 Maximum Design Envelope: Jacket Foundation with Pin Piles for OSPs/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (Combined Option B)
Table 4.10: Maximum Design Envelope: Jacket Foundation with Pin Piles for OSPs/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (HVDC Option)
Table 4.11: Maximum Design Envelope: Suction Caisson Foundation for OSPs/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (Combined Option A)
Table 4.12: Maximum Design Envelope: Suction Caisson Foundation for OSPs/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (Combined Option B)
Table 4.13: Maximum Design Envelope: Suction Caisson Foundation for OSPs/Offshore Convertor Station Platforms (HVDC Option)
4.2.4. Scour Protection for Foundations
- Foundation structures for wind turbines and substations are at risk of seabed erosion and ‘scour hole’ formation due to natural hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes. The development of scour holes is influenced by the shape of the foundation structure, seabed sedimentology and site-specific metocean conditions such as waves, currents and storms. Scour protection may be employed to mitigate scour around foundations. There are several commonly used scour protection types, including:
- concrete mattresses: several metres wide and long, cast of articulated concrete blocks which are linked by a polypropylene rope lattice which are placed on and/or around structures to stabilise the seabed and inhibit erosion;
- rock placement: either layers of graded stones placed on and/or around structures to inhibit erosion or rock filled mesh fibre bags which adopt the shape of the seabed/structure as they are lowered on to it; or
- artificial fronds: mats typically several metres wide and long, composed of continuous lines of overlapping buoyant polypropylene fronds that create a drag barrier which prevents sediment in their vicinity being transported away. The frond lines are secured to a polyester webbing mesh base that is itself secured to the seabed by a weighted perimeter or anchors pre-attached to the mesh base.
- The most frequently used scour protection method is ‘rock placement’, which entails the placement of crushed rock around the base of the foundation structure.
- The amount of scour protection required will vary for the two foundation types being considered for the Proposed Development. The final choice of scour protection will be made after design of the foundation structure, taking into account a range of aspects including geotechnical data, meteorological and oceanographical data, water depth, foundation type, maintenance strategy and cost. Scour protection parameters for foundations with piled jackets or suction caissons are presented in Table 4.14 Open ▸ .
Table 4.14: Scour Protection Parameters – Wind Turbine Foundations and OSP/Offshore Convertor Station Platform
4.2.5. Subsea Cables
- The type of cable laying vessel that will be used to lay subsea cables on the seabed has not been selected at this time. Therefore, the maximum design envelope accounts for both the use of a Dynamic Positioning (DP) vessel and anchors during cable laying (see Table 4.15 Open ▸ to Table 4.18 Open ▸ ).
Inter-array cables
- Inter-array cables carry the electrical current produced by the wind turbines to an offshore substation or convertor station platform. A small number of wind turbines will typically be grouped together on the same cable ‘string’ connecting those wind turbines to the substation, and multiple cable ‘strings’ will connect back to each offshore substation/convertor platform.
- The inter-array cables will be buried where possible and protected with a hard protective layer (such as rock or concrete mattresses) where adequate burial is not achievable, for example where crossing pre-existing cables, pipelines or exposed bedrock. The requirement for additional protection will be dependent on achieving target burial depths which will be influenced by several factors such as seabed conditions, seabed sedimentology, naturally occurring physical processes and possible interactions with other activities including bottom trawled fishing gear and vessel anchors. There is the potential for seabed preparation to be required prior to cable installation with methods such dredge and deposit of sediments material, use jet trenchers, mechanic trenchers or grapnels currently being considered. The cable installation methodology and potential cable protection measures will be finalised at the final design stage (post-consent). The PDE for inter-array cables is presented in Table 4.15 Open ▸ .
Table 4.15: Design Envelope: Inter-Array Cables
Interconnector cables
- Interconnector cables will be required to connect the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms to each other in order to provide redundancy in the case of failures within the electrical transmission system. The cables are likely to consist of a cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated aluminium or copper conductor cores.
These cables will be either HVDC or a combination of HVDC and HVAC. Table 4.16 Open ▸ provides the maximum design scenario for interconnector cables.
- The interconnector cables will have a target minimum burial depth of 0.5 m. If burial is not possible due to ground conditions or target burial depths not being achievable, then cable protection techniques will be employed (paragraph 95). The total length of interconnector cables will not exceed 94 km. There is the potential for seabed preparation to be required prior to cable installation, with methods such dredge and deposit of sediments material, use jet trenchers, mechanic trenchers or grapnels currently being considered.
Table 4.16: Design Envelope: Interconnector Cables
Offshore export cables
- Offshore export cables are used for the transfer of power from the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms to the transition join bay at landfall where they become onshore export cables. Up to eight offshore export cables will be required (applicable to both Combined and HVDC Options).
- The offshore export cables will have a maximum total length of 872 km, comprised of up to eight cables connecting the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms to landfall at Skateraw. Each of these offshore export cables will be installed in a trench up to 2 m wide with a target burial depth of between 0.5 m and 3 m per cable. There is the potential for seabed preparation to be required prior to cable installation, with methods such as jet trencher, mechanic trencher or grapnel currently being considered for cable installation.
- Although the Proposed Development export cable corridor has been identified, the exact route of the offshore export cables is yet to be determined and will be based upon geophysical and geotechnical survey information. This information will also support the decision on requirements for any additional cable protection. Flexibility is required in the location, depth of burial and protection measures for the offshore export cables to ensure physical and technical constraints, changes in available technology and Project economics can be accommodated within the final design.
- The proposed method for the installation of the offshore export cables through the intertidal zone at landfall at Skateraw is by using a trenchless technique burial method ( Figure 4.8 Open ▸ ). The punch out of the cable for onwards installation to the wind farm will be completed by using one of the four methods listed in Table 4.17 Open ▸ , noting pre-sweeping/ dredging may be required in some areas.
- Table 4.17 Open ▸ provides examples of each of the tools which may be used at the Proposed Development and Figure 4.8 Open ▸ illustrates trenchless technique installation method.
Table 4.17: Design Envelope: Offshore Export Cable Method of Installation
- The maximum design scenario for the offshore export cables is described in Table 4.18 Open ▸ .
Table 4.18: Design Envelope: Offshore Export Cables
Cable protection
- Cable protection will be used to prevent movement or exposure of the cables over the lifetime of the Proposed Development when target cable burial depth is not achieved due to seabed conditions. This will protect cables from other activities such as fishing or anchor placement, dropped objects, and limit the effects of heat and/or induced magnetic fields. Cable protection may comprise sleeving, cast iron shells, concrete mattressing or rock placement. The preferred solution for protection will depend on seabed conditions along the route and the need to protect cables from other activities which may occur in that area. The maximum design scenario for inter-array, interconnector and offshore export cables, are presented in Table 4.19 Open ▸ .
Table 4.19: Design Envelope: Cable Protection Parameters
Concrete mattressing
- Concrete mattresses are constructed using high strength concrete blocks and U.V. stabilised polypropylene rope. They are supplied in standard 6 m x 3 m x 0.3 m units of standard density, however modifications to size, density, and shape (tapered edges for high current environments, or denser concrete) can be engineered bespoke to the locality.
- The mattresses can be installed above the cables with a standard multicat type DP vessel and free-swimming installation frame. The mattresses are lowered to the seabed and once the correct position is confirmed, a frame release mechanism is triggered and the mattress is deployed on the seabed. This single mattress installation is repeated for the length of cable that requires protection. The mattresses may be gradually layered in a stepped formation on top of each other dependant on expected scour. Concrete mattressing can be used for cable protection and at cable crossings (see paragraph 101).
Rock placement
- Rock placement on top of cables to provide additional protection is carried out either by creating a berm or by the use of rock bags (see Figure 4.7 Open ▸ ).
Figure 4.7: Rock Cable Protection Methods (Left: Rock Placement; Right: Rock Bags)
- Rock placement is achieved using a vessel with equipment such as a ‘fall pipe’ which allows installation of rock close to the seabed. The rock protection design for the Proposed Development will be within a maximum height of 3 m and 20 m width (see Table 4.19 Open ▸ ), with an approximate slope of 1:3 both sides of the cable. This shape is designed to provide protection from anchor strike and anchor dragging, and to allow over trawl by fishing vessels. The cross-section of the berm may vary dependent on expected scour. The length of the berm is dependent on the length of the cable which requires protection.
- Alternatively, pre-filled rock bags can be placed above the cables with specialist installation beams. Rock bags consist of various sized rocks contained within a rope or wire net. Similar to the installation of the concrete mattresses, they are lowered to the seabed and, when in the correct position, are deployed on to the seabed. Typically, each rock bag is 0.7 m in height and has a diameter of 3 m. Rock placement can be used for cable protection and at cable crossings (see paragraph 101). The number of rock bags required is dependent on the length of cable which requires protection.
Cable crossing
- Up to 16 cable crossings may be required for the offshore export cables. The offshore export cables will cross each of the Neart na Gaoithe cables and will avoid crossing each other. This will be facilitated by the installation of standard cable crossing designs, likely to be comprised of ducting, concrete mattresses or rock as described above. Offshore export cables will avoid crossing interconnector cables. The maximum design scenario for cable crossing is presented in Table 4.19 Open ▸ . Further description of the crossing methodology is described in section 3.1.1.
- It is also possible that up to 78 inter-array cable crossings will be required. Additional cable protection will be required at these crossings, and these crossings and protection are accounted for in Table 4.19 Open ▸ . The design will look to minimise cable crossings with up to 78 inter-array crossings in total.
Table 4.20: Design Envelope: Cable Crossing Parameters (Inter-Array Cables and Offshore Export Cables)
4.3. Site Preparation Activities
- A number of site preparation activities will be required in the Proposed Development array area and Proposed Development export cable corridor. Site preparatory works are assumed to begin nine months prior to the first activities within the Proposed Development array area and continue as required throughout the construction programme. As such, site preparation activities may happen at any point during the construction phase.
- An overview of these activities is provided below.
4.3.1. Pre-Construction Surveys
- seabed conditions and morphology;
- presence/absence of any potential obstructions or hazards; and
- to inform detailed project design work.
- These geophysical and geotechnical surveys will be conducted across the Proposed Development array area and Proposed Development export cable corridor and are expected to have a duration of three months. Geophysical surveys will comprise techniques such as Side Scan Sonar (SSS), Sub-bottom Profiling (SBP), Multibeam Echo-Sounder (MBES), Single Beam Echo-Sounder (SBES), high-density magnetometer surveys and Ultra High Resolution Seismic (UHRS). Geotechnical surveys will comprise techniques such as boreholes, Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) and vibrocores.
- Geotechnical surveys will be conducted at specific locations within the footprint of the Proposed Development export cable corridor and the Proposed Development array area.
- Geophysical survey works will be carried out to provide details of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), bedform and boulder mapping, detailed bathymetry, a topographical overview of the seabed and an indication of sub-surface layers. These will be carried out within the whole Proposed Development array area and Proposed Development export cable corridor, utilising mutilsensor towed arrays and sonar.
4.3.2. Clearance of Unexploded Ordnance
- It is possible that UXO originating from World War I or World War II may be encountered during the construction or installation of offshore infrastructure. This poses a health and safety risk where it coincides with the planned location of infrastructure and associated vessel activity, and therefore it is necessary to survey for and carefully manage UXO.
- The following methodologies are considered for UXO avoidance/clearance:
- avoid and leave in situ;
- micrositing to avoid UXO;
- relocation of UXO to avoid detonation;
- low order (e.g. deflagration); and
- high order detonation (with associated mitigation measures).
- Where it is not possible to avoid or relocate a UXO, the preferred method for UXO clearance is for a low order technique (subsonic combustion) with a single donor charge of up to 80 g Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ) for each clearance event. Due to the intensity of the surveys required to accurately identify UXO, this work cannot be conducted before detailed design work has confirmed the planned location of infrastructure. Based on existing knowledge of the area (Seagreen 1), it has been assumed that there may be up to 14 UXO which require clearance by a low order technique (such as deflagration). However, due to risk of unintended high order detonation, it has been assumed that 10% of all clearance events may result in high order detonation (see volume 2, chapter 10).
- The maximum design scenario for UXO clearance is provided in Table 4.21 Open ▸ .
Table 4.21: Design Envelope: Unexploded Ordnance Parameters