Project alone and in-combination: operation and maintenance
Migratory collision risk
- A single species was screened in (pink-footed goose), which was considered within the MSS strategic level report ( Table 5.305 Open ▸ ). The adjusted increase in baseline mortality was under the 0.95% threshold for this species ( Table 5.305 Open ▸ ). Therefore, a conclusion can be made of no Adverse Effect on Integrity with regards to the Gladhouse Reservoir SPA and Ramsar site as a result of collision risk from the Proposed Development either alone or in-combination with other plans and projects for pink-footed goose.
Site conclusion
- In conclusion, with reference to the conservation objectives set for the features of this site, it can be concluded that there is no potential for an Adverse Effect on Integrity on the Gladhouse Reservoir SPA and Ramsar Site. This finding is in relation to potential impacts associated with the Proposed Development in any or all phases, acting alone and or in-combination for migratory collision and barrier effects.
Table 5.305: Qualifying Features of the Gladhouse Reservoir SPA and Ramsar Site, With Calculations of Additional Mortality (From MSS Strategic Level Report) and Corrected Additional Mortality With Updated Turbine Numbers) Population Data as Available in Most Recently Updated in Most Recent Site Data Form
5.8.17. South Tayside Goose Roosts SPA and Ramsar Site
European site information and conservation objectives
- South Tayside Goose Roosts SPA and Ramsar site are located in the region of 56.26°N, 3.83°W and comprises an area of 3.32 km2. The two designations are significantly overlapped and are considered together. The area qualifies under Article 4.1 by regularly supporting populations of waterbird species as detailed below.
- The conservation objectives of this SPA (as determined from NatureScot’s SiteLink SPA Citation UK9004401) are:
- To avoid deterioration of the habitats of the qualifying species (listed below) or significant disturbance to the qualifying species, thus ensuring that the integrity of the site is maintained; and
- To ensure for the qualifying species that the following are maintained in the long term:
– Population of the species as a viable component of the site;
– Distribution of the species within site;
– Distribution and extent of habitats supporting the species;
– Structure, function and supporting processes of habitats supporting the species; and
– No significant disturbance of the species.
- The Proposed Development does not overlap with the South Tayside Goose roosts SPA and Ramsar site, so potential impacts on its qualifying features will only occur as a result of individuals from the SPA occurring in the area (or vicinity) of the Proposed Development.
- Consequently, the focus of the assessment for this SPA and Ramsar site population is concerned with the conservation objective to maintain or restore the populations of each qualifying feature. The other conservation objectives either apply to the site itself, and not to areas beyond the boundary, or are encompassed by the assessment of this conservation objective.
- Further information on this European site is presented in appendix 3A.
- The potential for LSE has been identified in relation to three of the three qualifying features for this SPA and Ramsar site.
Project alone and in-combination: operation and maintenance
Migratory collision risk
- All three features screened in (greylag goose, pink-footed goose and wigeon) were considered within the MSS strategic level report ( Table 5.306 Open ▸ ). Of these, the adjusted increase in baseline mortality was under the 0.95% threshold for all species ( Table 5.306 Open ▸ ). Therefore, a conclusion can be made of no Adverse Effect on Integrity with regards to the South Tayside Goose roosts SPA and Ramsar site as a result of collision risk from the Proposed Development either alone or in-combination with other plans and projects for all three species.
Site conclusion
- In conclusion, with reference to the conservation objectives set for the features of this site, it can be concluded that there is no potential for an Adverse Effect on Integrity on the South Tayside Goose roosts SPA and Ramsar site. This finding is in relation to potential impacts associated with the Proposed Development in any or all phases, acting alone and or in-combination for migratory collision and barrier effects.
Table 5.306: Qualifying Features of the South Tayside Goose roosts SPA and Ramsar Site, With Calculations of Additional Mortality (From MSS Strategic Level Report) and Corrected Additional Mortality With Updated Turbine Numbers) Population Data as Available in Most Recently Updated in Most Recent Site Data Form
5.8.18. Westwater SPA and Ramsar Site (Estuarine)
European site information and conservation objectives
- Westwater SPA and Ramsar site are located 55.75°N, 3.40W° and comprises an area of 0.49 km2. The two designations are significantly overlapped and are considered together. The area qualifies under Article 4.1 by regularly supporting populations of waterbird species as detailed below.
- The conservation objectives of this SPA (as determined from NatureScot’s SiteLink SPA Citation UK9004251) are:
- To avoid deterioration of the habitats of the qualifying species (listed below) or significant disturbance to the qualifying species, thus ensuring that the integrity of the site is maintained; and
- To ensure for the qualifying species that the following are maintained in the long term:
– Population of the species as a viable component of the site;
– Distribution of the species within site;
– Distribution and extent of habitats supporting the species;
– Structure, function and supporting processes of habitats supporting the species; and
– No significant disturbance of the species.
- The Proposed Development does not overlap with the Westwater SPA and Ramsar site, so potential impacts on its qualifying features will only occur as a result of individuals from the SPA occurring in the area (or vicinity) of the Proposed Development.
- Consequently, the focus of the assessment for this SPA and Ramsar site population is concerned with the conservation objective to maintain or restore the populations of each qualifying feature. The other conservation objectives either apply to the site itself, and not to areas beyond the boundary, or are encompassed by the assessment of this conservation objective.
- Further information on this European site is presented in appendix 3A.
- The potential for LSE has been identified in relation to one of these 25 qualifying features for this SPA and Ramsar site.
Project alone and in-combination: operation and maintenance
Migratory collision risk
- A single species was screened in (pink-footed goose), which was considered within the MSS strategic level report ( Table 5.307 Open ▸ ). The adjusted increase in baseline mortality was under the 0.95% threshold for this species ( Table 5.307 Open ▸ ). Therefore, a conclusion can be made of no Adverse Effect on Integrity with regards to the Westwater SPA and Ramsar site as a result of collision risk from the Proposed Development either alone or in-combination with other plans and projects for pink-footed goose.
Site conclusion
- In conclusion, with reference to the conservation objectives set for the features of this site, it can be concluded that there is no potential for an Adverse Effect on Integrity on the Westwater SPA and Ramsar Site. This finding is in relation to potential impacts associated with the Proposed Development in any or all phases, acting alone and or in-combination for migratory collision and barrier effects.
Table 5.307: Qualifying Features of the Westwater SPA and Ramsar Site, With Calculations of Additional Mortality (From MSS Strategic Level Report) and Corrected Additional Mortality With Updated Turbine Numbers) Population Data as Available in Most Recently Updated in Most Recent Site Data Form
5.8.19. Slamannan Plateau SPA (Estuarine)
European site information and conservation objectives
- The Slamannan Plateau SPA is located at 55.94°N, 3.90°W and comprises an area of 5.90 km2. The area qualifies under Article 4.1 by regularly supporting populations of waterbird species as detailed below.
- The conservation objectives of this SPA (as determined from NatureScot’s SiteLink SPA Citation UK9004441) are:
- To avoid deterioration of the habitats of the qualifying species (listed below) or significant disturbance to the qualifying species, thus ensuring that the integrity of the site is maintained; and
- To ensure for the qualifying species that the following are maintained in the long term:
– Population of the species as a viable component of the site;
– Distribution of the species within site;
– Distribution and extent of habitats supporting the species;
– Structure, function and supporting processes of habitats supporting the species; and
– No significant disturbance of the species.
- The Proposed Development does not overlap with the Slamannan SPA, so potential impacts on its qualifying features will only occur as a result of individuals from the SPA occurring in the area (or vicinity) of the Proposed Development.
- Consequently, the focus of the assessment for this SPA population is concerned with the conservation objective to maintain or restore the populations of each qualifying feature. The other conservation objectives either apply to the site itself, and not to areas beyond the boundary, or are encompassed by the assessment of this conservation objective.
- Further information on this European site is presented in appendix 3A.
- The potential for LSE has been identified in relation to one of the one qualifying features for this SPA.
Project alone and in-combination: operation and maintenance
Migratory collision risk
- A single species was screened in (Taiga bean goose), which was considered within the MSS strategic level report ( Table 5.308 Open ▸ ). The adjusted increase in baseline mortality was over the 0.95% threshold for this species ( Table 5.308 Open ▸ ). Therefore, Taiga bean goose was taken forward for additional assessment within this report.
Additional assessment of taiga bean goose
- The Scottish population of Taiga bean geese consists predominantly of overwintering birds (c.250) with 10-100 individuals observed during migration passage each year. In the MSS strategic level report, these counts were totalled to give 350 individuals at risk each migration periods, with no accounting for the known variability in migrating individuals. It is currently unknown how populations of Taiga bean geese migrate across Scotland and the North Sea, with the limited tracking data suggesting a proportion of individuals present at the Slamannan Plateau SPA may transit through England and not directly from Scandinavia (Michell et al., 2016). This would affect the outcomes of the assessment process undertaken within this report and the MSS strategic level report.
- The values presented here based on the outputs on the MSS strategic level report assume that the entire Scottish population transits the migration front used within the MSS strategic level report analysis, however the limited tracking data available suggests this is likely not the case, especially during the autumn migration (Figure 4, Michell et al., 2016). Consequently, it is likely the true numbers migrating close to the Proposed Development are lower than currently used in the MSS strategic level report, and therefore collisions would be expected to be fewer than currently estimated.
- As in the MSS strategic level report, the total migratory population of Taiga bean goose assessed is 700 birds in both the spring and autumn migration periods. From this the MSS strategic report estimated 3 collisions, which after adjustment for updated number of wind turbines as presented in this report resulted in a calculation of increased baseline mortality of 2.6%. However, the MSS strategic report used a precautionary avoidance rate of 98%. Recently published guidance recommends using an avoidance rate of 99.8% for goose species (NatureScot, 2018), which would theoretically result in approximately an 87.5% reduction in collisions. This would subsequently reduce Taiga bean goose increased baseline mortality to less than the 0.95% threshold presented here. Taiga bean goose is therefore scoped out of further analysis as it is thought unlikely for there to be Adverse Effect on Integrity on this species for Proposed development alone or in-combination.
- This would therefore decrease the number of potential collisions, likely bringing any potential increased baseline mortality estimates from this report and the MSS strategic level report to below levels of no significance. Taiga bean goose is therefore screened out of further assessment.
Site conclusion
- In conclusion, with reference to the conservation objectives set for the features of this site, it can be concluded that there is no potential for an Adverse Effect on Integrity on the Slamannan Plateau SPA. This finding is in relation to potential impacts associated with the Proposed Development in any or all phases, acting alone and or in-combination for migratory collision and barrier effects.
Table 5.308: Qualifying Features of the Slamannan Plateau SPA, With Calculations of Additional Mortality (From MSS Strategic Level Report) and Corrected Additional Mortality With Updated Turbine Numbers) Population Data as Available in Most Recently Updated in Most Recent Site Data Form
*see additional assessment of aiga bean goose.
6. Conclusions
Table 6.1: Summary of Potential Adverse Effect on Integrity (AEoI) for Breeding Seabird SPAs for Proposed Development alone (Alone) and in-combination with i) other Forth and Tay offshore wind farms (F&T) and ii) other UK North Sea offshore windfarms (UK N Sea) according to the Developer and Scoping Approaches to assessment. = potential for AEoI, = no potential for AEoI.
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