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Annex A – Determining the Maximum Design Scenario for wIND Turbine and OSP/Offshore Convertor Station Platform Foundation Long Term Habitat Loss
Annex A – Determining the Maximum Design Scenario for wIND Turbine and OSP/Offshore Convertor Station Platform Foundation Long Term Habitat Loss
- Table-2.0.1 Open ▸ to Table-2.0.4 Open ▸ show the different wind turbine and OSP/Offshore convertor station platform foundations which were considered for the Proposed Development for each foundation type. The amber coloured cells indicate the worst-case scenario for a specific foundation type and red coloured cells indicate the worst-case scenario overall (this is the scenario which has been used in this assessment).
Table 2.0.1: Maximum Design Scenario for Wind Turbine Piled Jacket Foundations
Table 2.0.2: Maximum Design Scenario for Wind Turbine Suction Caisson Jacket Foundations
1This value does not exactly match the result for the calculation ((1,257+10,984)*179) due to rounding which has occurred when the footprints were calculated.
Table 2.0.4: Maximum Design Scenario for OSP/Offshore Convertor Station Platform Suction Caisson Jacket Foundations
Annex B – Full MPA Impact Calculations
Annex B – Full MPA Impact Calculations
1For the purposes of replicating the calculations in this table, 31.33% is calculated as 316.5 km2/1010.2 km2 (i.e. overlap between Proposed Development array area / total Proposed Development array area).
2 For the purposes of replicating the calculations in this table, 13.08% is calculated as 114.08 km/872 km (i.e. proportion of total length of offshore export cables that could occur within the part of the Proposed Development export cable corridor that overlaps with the MPA).
[1] These national sites have different names in the devolved nations of the UK. In Scotland they are MPAs and in England, Wales and Northern Ireland similar protected areas in the marine environment are referred to as Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs).
[3] Consent is not sought in this Application for SPEN Grid Substation and overhead connections.
[4] The maximum design envelope defines the maximum range of design parameters. For the EIA, the Applicant has discerned the maximum impacts that could occur within the range of the design parameters for given receptor groups - referred to as the “maximum design scenario”
[5] based upon 179 x 4 legged jacket foundations required for the largest proposed wind turbines
[6] based upon 179 x 4 legged jacket foundations required for the largest proposed wind turbines
[7] Maximum anchor footprint for the wind farm is calculated using the anchor footprint times the number of anchor drops likely to be required across the while wind farm.
[8] Note: up to two pins may be required for the larger wind turbine specifications (e.g. 24 MW). In the event these wind turbines are selected, fewer would be required. Accordingly, this calculation accounts for up to 179 larger specification wind turbines (requiring a maximum of two pins per leg).
[9] Calculated as 30.81% of the 24.70 km2 total (see paragraph 188.
[10] Calculated as 69.19% of the 24.70 km2 total (see paragraph 188).