Acronym | Description |
3-D NAIZ | 3-Dimensional Non-Automatic Initiation Zone |
AA | Appropriate Assessment |
ABP | Association of British Ports |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACP | Airspace Change Proposal |
A.D. | |
AD | Air Defence |
ADD | Acoustic Deterrent Device |
ADR | Air Defence Radar |
AEZ | Archaeological Exclusion Zone |
AfL | Agreement for Lease |
AEoI | Adverse Effect on Integrity [of European sites] |
AHLV | Area of High Landscape Value |
AIS | Automatic Identification System |
ALARP | As Low As Reasonably Practicable |
AL1 | Action Level 1 |
AL2 | Action Level 2 |
ALB | All-weather Lifeboat |
amsl | Above Mean Sea Level |
ANMP | Aid to Navigation Management Plan |
ANO | Air Navigation Order |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AOD | Above Ordnance Datum |
AONB | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
AQS | Air Quality Standards |
ARPA | Automatic Radar Plotting Aid |
ASA | Acoustic Society of America |
ASACS | Air Surveillance and Control System |
ASL | Above Sea Level |
ATBA | Area To Be Avoided |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
AtoN | Aid to Navigation |
ATS | Air Traffic Services |
AW189 | AgustaWestland 189 |
BACI | Before-After-Control-Impact |
BAP | Biodiversity Action Plan |
BBWFL | Berwick Bank Wind Farm Limited |
B.C. | Before Christ |
BDMPS | Biologically Defined Minimum Population Scales |
BEIS | Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy |
BERR | Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform |
BIS | British Ice Sheet |
BMML | Brown and May Marine Ltd |
BODC | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
BOWL | Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd |
B.P. | Before Present |
BPM | Best Practicable Means |
BRES | Business Register and Employment Survey |
BSI | British Standards Institute |
BT | British Telecom |
BTO | British Trust for Ornithology |
BVGA | BVG Associates |
C14 | Radiocarbon Dating |
CA | Cruising Association |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAFS | Cleaner Air for Scotland |
CaP | Cable Protection Plan |
CAP | Civil Aviation Publication |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure |
CBA | Cost Benefit Analysis |
CBRA | Cable Burial Risk Assessment |
CCC | Committee on Climate Change |
CCS | Carbon Capture Storage |
CCTV | Closed Circuit Television |
CD | Chart Datum (generally defined as LAT) |
CDM | Construction (Design and Management) |
CEA | Cumulative Effect Assessment |
Cefas | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science |
CEH | Centre for Ecology and Hydrology |
CEMP | Construction Environmental Management Plan |
CES | Crown Estate Scotland |
CES MU | Coastal East Scotland MU |
CfD | Contracts for Difference |
CFP | Common Fisheries Policy |
CFWG | Commercial Fisheries Working Group |
CGNS | Celtic and Greater North Seas |
CGOC | Coastguard Operations Centre |
CGNS MU | Celtic and Greater North Sea MU |
CHIA | Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment |
CHIRP | Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme |
CI | Confidence Interval |
CIEEM | Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management |
CIRIA | Construction Industry Research and Information Association |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species |
CJEU | The Court of Justice of the European Union |
CL | Confidence Limit |
CLM | Community Liaison Manager |
CMACS | Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies |
CMS | Construction Method Statement |
CNSFTC | Central North Sea Fibre Telecommunications Company |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
CoCP | Code of Construction Practice |
CODA | Cetacean Offshore Distribution and Abundance |
COLREGs | Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea |
COP | Conference of the Parties |
CoS | Chamber of Shipping |
COSHH | Control of Substances Hazardous to Health |
COWRIE | Collaborative Offshore Wind Energy Research into the Environment |
CP | Construction Programme |
CPA | Closest Point of Approach |
CPS | Cable Protection System |
CPT | Cone Penetration Test |
CRM | Collision Risk Modelling |
CRoW | Countryside and Rights of Way |
cSAC | Candidate Special Area of Conservation |
CSIP | Cable Specification and Installation Plan |
CSL | Consulting Services Limited |
CSQG | Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines |
CTV | Crew Transfer Vessel |
D | Density |
DAERA | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs |
DBT | Dibutyltin |
DC | Direct Current |
DCO | Development Consent Order |
DDM | Degree Decimal Minutes |
DDSFB | Dee District Salmon Fishery Board |
DDV | Drop Down Video |
DECC | Department of Energy and Climate Change |
DECEX | Decommissioning expenditure |
DEFRA | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
DEVEX | Development expenditure |
DF | Direction Finding |
DfT | Department for Transport |
DGC | Defence Geographic Centre |
DHI | Danish Hydraulic Institute |
dML | Deemed Marine Licence |
DMRB | Design Manual for Roads and Bridges |
DO | Dissolved Oxygen |
DoD | Department of Defence |
DOENI | Department of the Environment Northern Ireland |
DOSITS | Discovery of Sound in the Sea |
DP | Dynamic Positioning |
DSC | Digital Selective Calling |
DSLP | Development Specification and Layout Plan |
DTI | Department of Trade and Industry |
DW | Deep Water |
DWT | Dead Weight Tonnage |
EC | European Commission |
ECF | Energy Conversion Factors |
EcIA | Ecological Impact Assessment |
ECMA | East Coast Management Area |
ECML | East Coast Main Line |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast |
ECOMMAS | East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study |
ECoW | Environmental Clerk of Works |
ECOWind | Ecological Consequences of Offshore Wind |
ECW | Ecological Clerk of Works |
eDNA | Environmental Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
EGPS | Electricity Generation Policy Statement |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EIAR | Environmental Impact Assessment Report |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EL | Eastern Link |
ELC | East Lothian Council |
EMEC | European Marine Energy Centre |
EMFs | Electromagnetic Fields |
EMODnet | European Marine Observation and Data Network |
EMP | Environmental Management Plan |
EMR | Electricity Market Reform |
ENE | East North East |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
EOWDC | European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPS | European Protected Species |
EQSD | Environmental Quality Standards Directive |
ERCoP | Emergency Response Cooperation Plan |
ERL | Effects Range Low |
ERP | Emergency Response Plan |
ES | Executive Summary |
ES MU | East Scotland MU |
ESAs | Environmentally Sensitive Areas |
ESAS | European Seabirds at Sea |
ESCA | European Subsea Cables Association |
ESIA | Environmental and Social Impact Assessment |
ESO | Electricity System Operator |
ESRI | Environmental Systems Research Institute |
ETRS89 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 |
EU | European Union |
EUNIS | European University Information Systems |
FAI | Fraser of Allander Institute |
Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment | |
FCS | Favourable Conservation Status |
FDSFB | Forth District Salmon Fisheries Board |
FeAST | Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool |
FEED | Front-End Engineering Design |
FEPA | Food and Environmental Protection Act |
FEPODWT | Fife Energy Park Offshore Demonstration Wind Turbine |
FFBC | Firth of Forth Banks Complex |
FIR | Fisheries Industry Representatives |
FL | Flight Level |
FLO | Fisheries Liaison Officer |
FLOWW | Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group |
fm | Flexible Mesh |
FMA | Fishermen's Mutual Association |
FMMS | Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy |
FoT | Firth of Tay |
FPSO | Floating Production Storage and Offloading |
FSA | Formal Safety Assessment |
FTCFWG | Forth and Tay Commercial Fisheries Working Group |
FTE | Full-time Equivalent |
FTOWDG | The Forth and Tay Offshore Wind Developers Group |
FU | Functional Unit |
FVCOM | Finite Volume Community Ocean Model |
GB | Great Britain |
GDL | Garden and Designed Landscape |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GEBCO | General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans |
GES | Good Environmental Status |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GLA | General Lighthouse Authority |
GLVIA | Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRP | Glass Reinforced Plastic |
GSA | Geophysical Survey Area |
GSD | Ground Sample Distance |
GSM | Global System for Mobile communication |
GT | Gross Tonnage |
GVA | Gross Value Added |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point |
HAT | Highest Astronomical Tide |
HDD | Horizontal Directional Drilling |
HDPE | High-Density Polyethylene |
HE | Historic England |
HER | Historic Environment Record |
HES | Historic Environment Scotland |
HF | High Frequency (Cetaceans) |
HFoV | Horizontal Field of View |
Hg | Mercury |
HJA | Hardisty Jones Associates |
HLV | Heavy Lift Vessels |
HMCG | His Majesty’s Coastguard |
HMRs | Helicopter Main Routes |
HNR | Holistic Network Review |
HOW | Hornsea Offshore Wind |
HPDI | Highest Posterior Density Intervals |
HRA | Habitats Regulation Appraisal |
HSE | Health and Safety Executive |
HSWA | Health and Safety at Work etc Act |
HV | High Voltage |
HVAC | High Voltage Alternating Current |
HVDC | High Voltage Direct Current |
HW | High Water |
HWM | High Water Mark |
HWS | Hazard Warning Signals |
IALA | International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities |
IAMMWG | Inter Agency Marine Mammal Working Group |
IAQM | Institute of Air Quality Management |
IBA | Important Bird Area |
IBTS | International Bottom Trawl Survey |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICCI | In-Combination Climate Impact |
ICE | Inventory of Carbon and Energy |
ICES | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea |
ICOL | Inch Cape Offshore Limited |
ICPC | International Cable Protection Committee |
IDP | Intermediate Delivery Port |
iE | Induced Electrical Field |
IEFs | Important Ecological Features |
IEMA | Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment |
IEP | Industry Evidence Programme |
IFG | Inshore Fishing Group |
IFO | Intermediate Fuel Oil |
IFP | Instrument Flight Procedures |
IHLS | International Herring Larvae Survey |
IHO | International Hydrographic Organisation |
ILB | Inshore Lifeboat |
ILO | International Labour Organization |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
IMCA | International Marine Contractors Association |
IMO | International Maritime Organisation |
INCA | Industry Nature Conservation Agency |
INIS | Invasive Non-Indigenous Species |
INNS | Invasive Non-Native Species |
INNSMP | Invasive Non-Native Species Management Plan |
IPCC | International Panel on Climate Change |
iPCoD | Interim Population Consequences of Disturbance Model |
IPS | Intermediate Peripheral Structure |
IR | Infrared |
IROPI | Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest |
ITL1 | International Territorial Level 1 |
ITPE | ITPEnergised |
ITT | Invitation to Tender |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature |
JCP | The Joint Cetacean Protocol |
JIP | Joint Industry Programme |
JNCC | Joint Nature Conservation Committee |
JRC | Joint Radio Company |
JRCC | Joint Rescue Coordination Centre |
KIS-ORCA | Kingfisher Information Service – Offshore Renewables and Cable Awareness |
KP | Kilometre Point |
LAT/mLAT | Lowest Astronomical Tide/meters relative to Lowest Astronomical Tide |
LCCC | Low Carbon Contracts Company |
LCI | Lower Confidence Interval |
LCoE | Levelised Cost of Energy |
LCT | Landscape Character Type |
LF | Low Frequency (Cetaceans) |
LIDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
LLA | Local Landscape Area |
LMP | Lighting and Marking Plan |
LNR | Local Nature Reserve |
LNtM | Local Notifications to Mariners |
LOA | Length Overall |
LSE | Likely Significant Effect |
Ltd | Limited |
LVIA | Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment |
LW | Low Water |
LWM | Low Water Mark |
MAA | Military Aviation Authority |
MAIB | Marine Accident Investigation Branch |
MarESA | Marine Evidence based Sensitivity Assessment |
MARIN | Maritime Institute Netherlands |
MaRS | Marine Resource System |
MarLIN | Marine Life Information Network |
MARPOL | The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships |
MAU | Marine Analytical Unit |
MBES | Multibeam Echo Sounder |
MBL | Marr Bank Wind Limited |
MCA | Maritime and Coastguard Agency |
MCAA | Marine and Coastal Access Act |
MCC | Marine Coordination Centre |
MCCIP | Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership |
MCEU | Marine Consents and Environment Unit |
MCO | Marine Conservation Order |
MCRS | Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes |
MDS | Multi-Dimensional Scaling |
MEDIN | Marine Environmental Data Information Network |
MEPC | Marine Environment Protection Committee |
Met | Meteorological |
MF | Medium Frequency (Cetaceans) |
MFE | Mass Flow Excavation |
MGN | Marine Guidance Note |
MGO | Marine Gas Oil |
MHWN | Mean High Water Neaps |
MHWS | Mean High Water Springs |
ML | Marine Licence |
MLWN | Mean Low Water Neaps |
MLWS | Mean Low Water Springs |
MMMP | Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol |
MMMU | Marine Mammal Management Units |
MMO | Marine Management Organisation |
MNCR | Marine Nature Conservation Review |
MoD | Ministry of Defence |
MORL | Moray Offshore Renewables Limited |
MP | Members of Parliament |
MPA | Marine Protected Area |
MPCP | Marine Pollution Contingency Plan |
MPS | Marine Policy Statement |
MRCC | |
MRSC | Maritime Rescue Sub Centre |
MRT | Multi-Radar Tracker |
MS | Marine Scotland |
MSA | Minimum Safe Altitude |
MSC | Marine Stewardship Council |
MSI | Maritime Safety Information |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
MS-LOT | Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team |
MSP | Marine Policy Statement |
MSS | Marine Scotland Science |
MT | Mud Transport |
MU | Management Unit |
MV | Medium voltage |
MZ | Mitigation Zone |
N/A | Not Applicable |
NAFC | North Atlantic Fisheries College |
NAS | Noise Abatement Systems |
NATS | National Air Traffic Services |
NAVAREA | Navigation Area |
NAVTEX | Navigational Telex |
NBN | National Biodiversity Network |
ncMPA | Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area |
NCP | National Contingency Plan |
NDC | Nationally Determined Contribution |
NECD | National Emission Ceilings Directive |
NEPS | National Electrofishing Programme for |
NERC | The Natural Environment Research Council |
NECRIFG | North and East Coast Regional Inshore Fisheries Group |
NEQ | Net Explosive Quantity |
NERL | National Air Traffic Services En-Route PLC |
NGESO | National Grid’s Electricity System Operator |
NGET | National Grid Electricity Transmission |
NGR | National Grid Reference |
NH3 | Ammonia |
NIFCA | Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority |
NIS | Natura Impact Statement |
NLB | Northern Lighthouse Board |
NLOG | Netherlands Oil and Gas |
NMBAQC | North East Atlantic Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control Scheme |
NMFS | |
NMP | National Marine Plan |
NMPi | National Marine Plan Interactive |
NMRS | National Monuments Record Scotland |
NMVOC | Non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds |
NnG | Neart Na Gaoithe |
NNR | National Nature Reserve |
NNW | North North-West |
NO | Nitrous Oxide |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NO2 | Nitrogen Dioxide |
NOx | Nitrogen Oxide |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen |
NPF | National Planning Framework |
NPL | National Physical Laboratory |
NPS EN | National Policy Statement Energy |
NPS | National Policy Statement |
NPS EN-1 | National Policy Statement for Energy |
NRA | Navigational Risk Assessment |
NRHE | National Record of the Historic Environment |
NRW | Natural Resources Wales |
NSIP | Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects |
NS MU | North Sea MU |
NSP | Navigational Safety Plan |
NSVMP | Navigational Safety and Vessel Management Plan |
NtM | Notice to Mariners |
NTS | Non-Technical Summary |
NVZ | Nitrate Vulnerable Zone |
OASIS | Online Access to the Index of Archaeological Investigations |
OCA | Other Marine Carnivores in Air |
OCW | Other Marine Carnivores in Water |
OD | Ordnance Datum |
OEL | Ocean Ecology Ltd |
OESEA | Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment |
OFLO | Offshore Fisheries Liaison Officer |
OFTO | Offshore Transmission Owner |
OGA | Oil and Gas Authority |
OGP | Oil and Gas Producers |
OMS | Operation, Maintenance and Service |
ONS | Office for National Statistics |
OPEX | Operational Expenditure |
ORJIP | Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme |
OREI | Offshore Renewable Energy Installations |
OS | Ordnance Survey |
OSL | Optically Stimulated Luminescence |
OSPAR | Oslo-Paris |
OTA | Offshore Transmission Asset |
OWEC | Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme |
OWIC | Offshore Wind Industry Council |
OWIG | Offshore Wind Industry Group |
OWPS | Offshore Wind Policy Statement |
P.A. | Per Annum |
PAC | Pre-Application Consultation |
PAD | Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries |
PAH | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
PAM | Passive Acoustic Monitoring |
PAYE | Pay As You Earn |
PCA | Phocid Carnivores in Air |
PCB | Polychlorinated Biphenyl |
PCW | Phocid Carnivores in Water |
PDE | Project Design Envelope |
PE | Parabolic Equation |
PEL | Probable Effect Levels |
PEMP | Project Environmental Monitoring Plan |
PEXA | Practice and Exercise Area |
PIA | Project Identification and Approval |
PIANC | Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses |
PINS | Planning Inspectorate |
PLA | Port of London Authority |
PLL | Potential Loss of Life |
PLONOR | Poses Little or No Risk |
PM | Particulate Matter |
PMF | Priority Marine Feature |
PNT | Positioning, Navigation and Timing |
PO | Producer Organisation |
POB | Persons on Board |
POLREP | Pollution Report |
POs | Plan Options |
POP | Persistent Organic Pollutants |
PPE | Personal Protection Equipment |
PPP | Pollution Prevention Plan |
PrePARED | Predators + Prey Around Renewable Energy Developments |
PS | Piling Strategy |
PSA | Particle Size Analysis |
pSAC | Possible Special Areas of Conservation |
pSPA | Proposed Special Protection Area |
PSRs | Primary Surveillance Radars |
PT | Particle Tracking |
PTS | Permanent Threshold Shift |
PVA | Population Viability Analysis |
PW | Pinnipeds in Water |
Q1-4 | Quarter 1-4 |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QHSE | Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment |
RA | Retained Archaeologist |
Racon | Radar Beacon |
Radar | Radio Detection and Ranging |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAG | Red, Amber, Green |
RAM | Restricted in their Ability to Manoeuvre |
RAMS | Risk Assessment Method Statement |
RAP | |
RAPi | Recognised Air Picture |
RBMP | River Basin Management Plan |
RCAHMS | Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland |
RCCA | Regional Coastal Character Areas |
RCP | Representative Concentration Pathway |
RES | Renewable Energy Strategy |
REZ | Renewable Energy Zone |
RIAA | Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment |
RIB | Rigid Inflatable Boat |
RIFG | Regional Inshore Fisheries Group |
RL | Received Level |
RLOS | Radar-line-of-sight |
RMNC | Review of Marine Nature Conservation |
RMPs | Regional Marine Plans |
RMS | Root Mean Square |
RNLI | Royal National Lifeboat Institution |
RNLN | Royal Netherland Navy |
RNMI | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute |
ROCs | Renewables Obligation Certificates |
ROI | Republic Of Ireland |
Ro-Ro | Roll-On/Roll-Off |
ROV | Remotely Operated Vehicle |
RoW | Receiver of Wreck |
RPS | RPS Energy Consultants Ltd |
RRED | Revised Renewable Energy Directive |
RRH | Remote Radar Head |
RSMP | Regional Seabed Monitoring Programme |
RSPB | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds |
RTC | River Tweed Commission |
RYA | Royal Yachting Association |
SACs | Special Areas of Conservation |
SALSA | Spatially Adaptive Local Smoothing Algorithm |
SAM | Static Acoustic Monitoring |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SAS | Surfers Against Sewage |
SBC | Scottish Borders Council |
SBES | Single Beam Echo Sounder |
SBP | Sub-Bottom Profiler |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition |
SCANS | Small Cetaceans in the European Atlantic and North Seas |
SCI | Site of Community Importance |
sCRM | Stochastic Collision Risk Modelling |
SCOS | Special Committee on Seals |
SD | Standard Deviation |
SDS | Safety Data Sheet |
Se | Selenium |
SEA | Strategic Environmental Assessment |
SEAR | Safety and Environmental Awareness Report |
SEARS | Scottish Environment and Rural Services |
SEI | Supporting Environmental Information |
SEL | Sound Exposure Level |
SELcum | Cumulative Sound Exposure Level |
SELss | Sound Exposure Level Single Strike |
SEM | Stakeholder Engagement Manager |
SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency |
SFF | Scottish Fishermen's Federation |
SF6 | Sulphur Hexafluoride |
SG | Supplementary Guidance |
SI | Serious Injury |
SIC | Standard Industrial Classification |
SIC07 | Standard Industrial Classification 2007 |
SIMPER | Similarity Percentages |
SIMPROF | Similarity Profile |
SL | Source Level |
SLA | Special Landscape Area |
SLVIA | Seascape Landscape Visual Impact Assessment |
SMA | Seal Management Area |
SMP | Sectoral Marine Plans |
SMR | Scottish Marine Region |
SMRU | Sea Mammal Research Unit |
SMS | Safety Management System |
SMWWC | Scottish Marine Wildlife Watching Code |
SNCBs | Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies |
SNH | Scottish National Heritage (now NatureScot) |
SNMP | Scottish National Marine Plan |
SOLAS | International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea |
SONAR | Sound Navigation Ranging |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOPEP | Ship-board Oil Pollution Contingency Plan |
SoS | Secretary of State |
SOV | Service Operations Vessel |
SOWEC | Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council |
SPA | Special Protection Area |
SPEN | Scottish Power Energy Networks |
SPL | Sound Pressure Level |
Peak Sound Pressure Level | |
SPM | Suspended Particulate Matter |
SPMP | Scour Protection Management Plan |
SPP | Scottish Planning Policy |
SPS | Significant Peripheral Structures |
SPT | Scottish Power Transmission |
SPVA | Service Personnel and Veterans Agency |
SSC | Suspended Sediment Concentration |
SSE | South South-East |
SSER | SSE Renewables |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
SSS | Side Scan Sonar |
SSSI | Site of Special Scientific Interest |
SST | Sea Surface Temperature |
ST | Sand Transport |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |
STW | Scottish Territorial Waters |
SW | Spectral Wave |
SWEL | Seagreen Wind Energy Limited |
SWFPA | Scottish White Fish Producers Association |
SWMP | Site Waste Management Plan |
TAC | Total Allowable Catch |
TAEZ | Temporary Archaeological Exclusion Zone |
TBT | Tributyltin |
T&CP | Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 |
TCA | Trade and Cooperation Agreement |
TCE | The Crown Estate |
TEL | Threshold Effect Level |
THC | Total Hydrogen Content |
TL | Transmission Loss |
TMZ | Transponder Mandatory Zone |
TNT | Trinitrotoluene |
TOC | Total Organic Carbon |
TOPA | Technical and Operational Assessment |
TOTEX | Total Expenditure |
TP | Transition Piece |
TSS | Total Suspended Solids |
TTS | Temporary Threshold Shift |
TTWA | Travel to Work Area |
TV | Television |
UHF | Ultra-High Frequency |
UHRS | Ultra-High Resolution Seismic |
UK | United Kingdom |
UK IAIP | UK Integrated Aeronautical Information Package |
UKAS | United Kingdom Accreditation Service |
UKBAP | UK Biodiversity Action Plan |
UKCP | United Kingdom Climate Projections |
UKCS | United Kingdom Continental Shelf |
UKFEN | UK Fisheries Economic Network |
UKHO | United Kingdom Hydrographic Office |
UKOOA | United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association Ltd |
UN | United Nations |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
UNECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
UPI | Upper Confidence Interval |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
US | United States |
USBL | Ultra-Short Baseline |
USV | Unmanned Surface Vessels |
UXO | Unexploded Ordnance |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
VMP | Vessel Management Plan |
VMS | Vessel Monitoring System |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compounds |
VTS | Vessel Traffic Service |
WDC | Whale and Dolphin Conservation |
WFD | Water Framework Directive |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 1984 |
WMP | Waste Management Plan |
WNoO | Weekly Notice of Operations |
WSI | Written Scheme of Investigation |
WSW | West South-West |
WWT | Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust |
XLPE | Cross-Linked Polyethylene |
ZAP | Zone Appraisal and Planning |
ZDA | Zone Development Agreement |
ZOI | Zone of Influence |
ZTV | Zone of Theoretical Visibility. |