Unit | Description |
⁰ | Degrees (angle from true north) |
% | Percentage |
£ | Pound Sterling |
Bn | Billion |
°C | Degrees Centigrade |
cd | Candela |
CD | Chart Datum |
cm | Centimetre |
cm/s | Centimetres per second (speed) |
CO2e | Carbon dioxide equivalent |
dB | Decibel (sound) |
ft | Feet (distance) |
g | Gram |
GT | Gross Tonnage (Volume) |
GW | Gigawatt (power) |
Ha | Hectare |
Hrs | Hours |
Hz | Hertz (frequency) |
In | Inch |
kg | Kilogram |
kg/m3 | Kilograms per Cubic Metre (suspended sediment concentration equivalent to grams per litre) |
kHz | Kilohertz |
kJ | Kilojoule |
km | Kilometres (distance) |
km2 | Square kilometres |
kn | Knot |
kV | Kilovolt |
kW | Kilowatt (power) |
kWh | Kilo Watt hour |
l | Litre |
m | Metre (distance) |
m2 | Square metres |
m3 | Cubic metres (volume) |
m/d | Metres per day (rate of change) |
m3/d/m | Cubic metres transported per day per metre width of transport path (i.e. perpendicular to direction of transport) |
mG | Milligauss |
mg | Milligram |
mg/kg | Milligram per kilogram |
mg/kg DW | Milligram per kilogram dry weight |
mg/l | Milligrams per litre (concentration) |
m/h | Metres per hour (rate) |
m3/h | Cubic metres per hour (discharge rate) |
mm | Millimetre (distance) |
m/m | Percent by mass |
m/s | Metres per second (speed) |
m/s2 | Metres per second squared |
Mt | Mega tonnes/Million tonnes |
MV/m | Millivolt per Metre |
MW | Megawatt (power) |
MWh | Megawatt hours |
nm | Nautical mile (distance) |
nm2 | Square Nautical Mile |
nm/s | Nano Metres per Second |
nT | Nanotesla (magnetic flux density) |
s | Second |
t | Tonne |
TWh | Terawatt Hours |
µg | Microgram |
µg/m3 | Micrograms per Cubic Meter of Air. |
μm | Micrometre |
µPa | Micropascal |
µPa2s | Micro Pascal Squared Second |
µT | Microtesla |
μV/m | Microvolts per Metre |
V/m | Volts per Metre |
W | Watt |
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