Tier 3
Operation and Maintenance Phase
Magnitude of impact
- The only Tier 3 project which have been identified in the CEA with the potential to result in cumulative EMF effects from subsea electrical cabling within the Proposed Development is the Cambois connection. The Cambois connection includes up to 680 km of cable therefore combining this with tier 2 projects and the Proposed Development would lead to a cumulative length of 6,792 km.
- The cumulative impact is predicted to be of local spatial extent, long term duration, continuous and not reversible during the operation and maintenance phase (only at the decommissioning stage) of the relevant projects. It is predicted that the impact will affect the receptor directly. The magnitude is therefore, considered to be low.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- The sensitivity of fish and shellfish IEFs is low as described in section 9.11, paragraphs 241 to 254.
Significance of the effect
Marine Species
- For most fish and shellfish ecology IEFs (including herring) the magnitude of the cumulative effect is deemed to be low and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be low. The cumulative effect will, therefore, be of negligible to minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.
- For European lobster and Nephrops edible crab and elasmobranchs, the magnitude of the cumulative effect is deemed to be low and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be medium. The cumulative effect will, therefore, be of minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.
Diadromous Species
- Overall, the magnitude of the impact is deemed to be low and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be low. The effect will, therefore, be of negligible to minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.
Further mitigation and residual effect
- No additional fish and shellfish ecology mitigation is considered necessary as the likely effect in the absence of further mitigation (beyond the designed in measures outlined in section 9.10) is not significant in EIA terms.
Cumulative Colonisation of foundations, scour protection and cable protection
Tier 2
Operation and maintenance phase
Magnitude of impact
- The introduction of hard substrate into areas of predominantly soft sediments has the potential to alter community composition and biodiversity. This impact is only relevant to the operation and maintenance phase as it takes time for colonisation to establish post construction. The presence of the projects listed in Table 9.32 Open ▸ has the potential to lead to cumulative impacts arising from the colonisation of up to 17,513,271 m2 of hard structures from wind turbines, OSP/Offshore convertor substation platforms, meteorological masts, cable protection, and cable crossings. Table 9.32 Open ▸ lists all projects/plans/activities considered in the Tier 2 assessment which are Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm, Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm, and Seagreen 1, Seagreen 1A Project Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Eastern Link 1 and Eastern Link 2. There are no values for long-term habitat loss provided in the Environmental Statement for Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor however 20% of the 110 km may require cable protection up to 6 m wide (Seagreen Wind Energy Ltd., 2021).
- Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm will contribute to cumulative impacts from the colonisation of hard structures through the presence of wind turbines, substations, and meteorological masts, as well as cable protection for the inter-array and offshore export cables. In the Inch Cape Environmental Statement it is stated that the amount of new hard substrate resulting from Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm is equivalent to the amount of long-term habitat loss (Inch Cape Offshore Limited, 2018) which is described in Table 9.37 Open ▸ and equates to 2,470,000 m2 of new hard structures (Inch Cape Offshore Limited, 2018).
- At the Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm, colonisation of hard substrate is predicted to result from the presence of gravity base foundations for the wind turbine foundations, substation foundations, scour protection and cable protection. The amount of new hard substrate equates to 460,000 m2 of new hard structures as shown in Table 9.40 Open ▸ (Mainstream Renewable Power, 2019).
- The Seagreen 1 Offshore Wind Farm maximum design scenario for the colonisation of hard structures, as stated in the Environmental Statement (Seagreen Wind Energy, 2012), show that the area available for colonisation is expected to be approximately the same area as is considered for as for long-term habitat loss, the components of which are described in Table 9.37 Open ▸ and equates to 2,026,045 m2 of new hard structure (Seagreen Wind Energy, 2012).
- The Seagreen 1A Project hard substrate values have been calculated through a project specific assessment by RPS (further detail in paragraph 304). This assessment showed that the area available for colonisation is expected to be approximately the same area as is considered for long term habitat loss, the components of which are described in Table 9.40 Open ▸ and equates to 158,055 m2 of new hard structure.
- The hard substrate installed for Eastern Link 1 includes rock berm with a maximum width of 7 m, no further values regarding hard substrate have been provided (National Grid Electricity Transmission and Scottish Power Transmission, 2022).
- The hard substrate installed for Eastern Link 2 includes rock berms up to 138 km, six pipeline crossings, 18 cable crossings and rock protection at the landfall. The amount of new hard substrate available is equivalent to the amount of long term habitat loss which is described in Table 9.40 Open ▸ and equates to 2,200,200 m2 of new hard structures (National Grid Electricity Transmission and Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc, 2022).
- The cumulative impact is predicted to be of local spatial extent, long term duration, continuous and high reversibility. It is predicted that the impact will affect the receptor directly. The magnitude is therefore, considered to be low.
Table 9.40: Total Area and Component Parts of Introduced Hard Substrate of the Relevant Cumulative Projects in the Operation and Maintenance Phase of the Proposed Development
Sensitivity of the receptor
- The sensitivity of fish and shellfish IEFs is summarised below, and is as described in section 9.11, paragraphs 263 to 279.
Marine Species
- Marine fish and shellfish ecology IEFs in the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area are deemed to be of low vulnerability, and local to national importance (recoverability is not relevant to this impact during the operation maintenance phase). The sensitivity of the receptor is therefore, considered to be low.
Diadromous Species
- Most diadromous fish species are deemed to be of low vulnerability, high recoverability and national to international importance. The sensitivity of these IEFs is therefore, considered to be low.
- Atlantic salmon and sea lamprey are deemed to be of low vulnerability, high recoverability and national to international importance. The sensitivity of these IEFs is therefore, considered to be low.
- Sea trout are deemed to be of medium vulnerability, high recoverability and national importance. The sensitivity of this IEF is therefore, considered to be low.
Significance of the effect
Marine Species
- Overall, the magnitude of the cumulative effect is deemed to be low and the sensitivity of the IEFs is considered to be low. The cumulative effect will, therefore, be of negligible to minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.
Diadromous Species
- Overall, the magnitude of the cumulative effect is deemed to be low and the sensitivity of these IEFs is considered to be low. The cumulative effect will, therefore, be of negligible to minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.
Further mitigation and residual effect
- No additional fish and shellfish ecology mitigation is considered necessary as the likely effect in the absence of further mitigation (beyond the designed in measures outlined in section 9.10) is not significant in EIA terms.
Tier 3
Operation and maintenance phase
- The only Tier 3 project which have been identified in the CEA with the potential to result in cumulative colonisation of foundations, scour protection and cable protection with the Proposed Development is the Cambois connection.
- The Cambois connection has the potential to create 306,000 m2 of new hard habitat associated with rock/mattress cable protection which represents protection covering 15% the total length the four offshore export cables (See Table 9.38 Open ▸ ), therefore it is likely that only a proportion of the cable protection will occupy the fish and shellfish ecology CEA study area, or potentially none of it. The cable protection represents a change in seabed type, the effects of which are described in paragraph 263 et seq., however as the cable protection does not extend into the water column the opportunity for colonisation by some species is reduced. The presence of the Tier 2 and 3 projects has the potential to lead to cumulative impacts arising from the colonisation of up to 15,313,071 m2 of hard structures.
- The cumulative impact is predicted to be of local spatial extent, long term duration, continuous and high reversibility. It is predicted that the impact will affect the receptor directly. The magnitude is therefore, considered to be low.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- The sensitivity of fish and shellfish IEFs is low as described in section 9.11, paragraphs 263 to 279.
Significance of the effect
Marine Species
- Overall, the magnitude of the cumulative effect is deemed to be low and the sensitivity of the IEFs is considered to be low. The cumulative effect will, therefore, be of negligible to minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.
Diadromous Species
- Overall, the magnitude of the cumulative effect is deemed to be low and the sensitivity of these IEFs is considered to be low. The cumulative effect will, therefore, be of negligible to minor adverse significance, which is not significant in EIA terms.
Further mitigation and residual effect
- No additional fish and shellfish ecology mitigation is considered necessary as the likely effect in the absence of further mitigation (beyond the designed in measures outlined in section 9.10) is not significant in EIA terms.
9.12.4. Proposed Monitoring
- Proposed monitoring measures for cumulative effects are the same as outlined in Table 9.30 Open ▸ .
9.13. Transboundary Effects
- A screening of transboundary impacts has been carried out and has identified that there was no likely significant transboundary effects with regard to fish and shellfish ecology from the Proposed Development upon the interests of other European Economic Area (EEA) States. This was due to the relatively limited scale of effect and/or temporary nature of the impacts on fish and shellfish which would not result in effects occurring in other countries.
9.14. Inter-Related Effects (And Ecosystem Assessment)
- A description of the likely inter-related effects arising from the Proposed Development on fish and shellfish ecology is provided in volume 2, chapter 20 of the Offshore EIA Report.
- For fish and shellfish ecology, the following potential impacts have been considered within the inter-related assessment:
- temporary and long-term subtidal habitat loss/disturbance;
- increased SSC and associated sediment deposition;
- EMFs from subsea electrical cabling;
- injury and/or disturbance to fish and shellfish from underwater noise and vibration; and
- colonisation of foundations, scour protection and cable protection.
- Table 9.41 Open ▸ lists the inter-related effects (project lifetime effects) that are predicted to arise during the construction, operation and maintenance phase, and decommissioning of the Proposed Development and also the inter-related effects (receptor-led effects) that are predicted to arise for marine mammal, offshore ornithology and commercial fisheries receptors.
- As noted above, effects on fish and shellfish ecology also have the potential to have secondary effects on other receptors and these effects are fully considered in the topic-specific chapters. These receptors and effects are:
- marine mammals:
– changes in the fish and shellfish community resulting from impacts during construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning may lead to loss of prey resources for marine mammals resulting in effects of imperceptible significance (see volume 2, chapter 10);
- offshore ornithology:
- commercial fisheries:
– changes in the fish and shellfish community resulting from impacts during construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning may affect commercial fisheries receptors by effects on target species, however as noted in this chapter there are negligible or minor effects on fish and shellfish receptors therefore negligible or minor effects are predicted for commercial fisheries (see volume 2, chapter 12), which are not significant in EIA terms.
Table 9.41: Summary of Likely Significant Inter-Related Effects on the Environment for Fish and Shellfish Ecology from Individual Effects Occurring across the Construction, Operation and Maintenance and Decommissioning Phases of the Proposed Development and from Multiple Effects Interacting Across all Phases (Receptor-led Effects)
9.15. Summary of Impacts, Mitigation Measures, Likely Significant Effects and Monitoring
- Information on fish and shellfish ecology within the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area and the Proposed Development northern North Sea fish and shellfish ecology study area was collected through desktop review, site specific surveys, and consultation. These are summarised in Table 9.8 Open ▸ to Table 9.10 Open ▸ . The baseline characterisation was used to inform the assessment of the fish and shellfish assemblage present within the vicinity of the Proposed Development fish and shellfish ecology study area. Full details of the baseline characterisation are provided in volume 3, appendix 9.1.
- Table 9.42 Open ▸ presents a summary of the potential impacts, mitigation measures and the conclusion of likely significant effects in respect to fish and shellfish ecology in EIA terms. The impacts assessed include: temporary subtidal habitat loss/disturbance, increased SSC and associated sediment deposition, injury and/or disturbance to fish and shellfish from underwater noise and vibration, long-term subtidal habitat loss, EMFs from subsea electrical cabling, and colonisation of foundations, scour protection and cable protection. Overall, it is concluded there will be negligible adverse significant effects arising from the Proposed Development during the construction, operation and maintenance or decommissioning phases.
- Table 9.43 Open ▸ presents a summary of the potential cumulative impacts, mitigation measures and the conclusion of likely significant cumulative effects on fish and shellfish ecology in EIA terms. The cumulative effects assessed include: temporary subtidal habitat loss/disturbance, increased SSC and associated sediment deposition, injury and/or disturbance to fish and shellfish from underwater noise and vibration, long-term subtidal habitat loss, EMFs from subsea electrical cabling, and colonisation of foundations, scour protection and cable protection. Overall, it is concluded that there will be negligible adverse significant cumulative effects from the Proposed Development alongside other projects/plans.
- As noted in section 9.9.3, an assessment of the likely significant effects in EIA terms on the relevant features of sites that comprise part of the UK National Site Network or Natura 2000 network (i.e. European Sites) has been made in this chapter (in sections 0 and 9.12), The assessment of the potential impacts on the site itself are deferred to the RIAA (SSER, 2022c) for the Proposed Development. The RIAA concluded that no adverse effect on integrity was predicted to occur on any of the sites designated for Annex I habitats below MHWS, specifically:
- River Tay SAC;
- River Tweed SAC;
- Tweed Estuary SAC;
- River Teith SAC;
- River South Esk SAC; and
- River Dee SAC.
- An assessment on the individual qualifying interest features of the sites relevant to fish and shellfish ecology has also been undertaken in this chapter.
- No likely significant transboundary effects have been identified in regard to effects of the Proposed Development.
- As noted in section 9.9.3, the full assessment of the potential impacts on the sites that comprise part of the UK National Site Network or Natura 2000 network (i.e. European Sites) has been deferred to the RIAA (SSER, 2022c) for the Proposed Development. An assessment on the individual qualifying interest feature(s) of these sites (e.g. Annex II species such as Atlantic salmon ) is considered in this chapter (section 9.11 and 9.12.3), as summarised above. The RIAA concluded that no adverse effect on integrity was predicted to occur on any of the sites designated for fish and shellfish receptors, specifically.
Table 9.42: Summary of Likely Significant Environmental Effects, Mitigation and Monitoring
Table 9.43: Summary of Likely Significant Cumulative Environment Effects, Mitigation and Monitoring
9.16. References
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