Precaution applied to the assessment of evidence
- As discussed above, the available information from UKCEH on seabird demography from the Isle of May includes the return rate of individually marked birds from one breeding season to the following season. This is used in this report as a proxy for apparent adult survival. The analysis of resighting information of marked birds to estimate survival accounts for birds that were not seen on one breeding season but were seen in a subsequent breeding season. Consequently, the return rate will be a smaller estimate of adult survival rather than the modelled apparent survival. This is therefore a precautionary estimate of adult survival. However, it is likely that the relationship with sandeel TSB in SA4 would have remained very similar had apparent adult survival been used, only with the adult survival data based on slightly larger values across the range of TSB values. In addition, the scenario testing approach examined the effect of change in adult survival between two sandeel TSB values. The change in adult survival would likely have been much the same between return rate data and apparent survival data, so the Population Viability Analysis (PVA) metrics used to assess the effectiveness of the scenarios would have likely been the same, or very similar. This is outlined in Section 1.8 below.
- In conclusion, any precaution in using return rate as a proxy for apparent survival would likely have made little or no difference in the assessment of the benefit of the proposed compensation measures.
Impact scenarios
- The impact scenarios used in the assessment within this report were identical to those used in the Report to Inform the Appropriate Assessment (RIAA). This provided three impact scenarios based on advice from NatureScot, Marine Scotland Science and a developer preferred approach. While all three impact levels were considered, conclusions on the efficacy of the proposed sandeel fisheries compensatory measures were based on the most precautionary of these three scenarios. The assessment included the other impact scenarios to provide a suitable context for a range of plausible, but still precautionary, predictions of impacts on the qualifying features of the SPAs under consideration.
Compensation scenarios
- The approach used to assess the level of benefit predicted to occur from the proposed compensatory measures was based on a scenario testing approach. Scenarios were based on the potential changes in sandeel TSB in SA4 as a result of changes to fisheries management. Five scenarios were chosen that reflected both the range of historic sandeel TSB values in SA4 and the non-linear relationship between sandeel TSB and either survival or productivity.
- Five scenarios were examined (see Section 1.8) that covered the distribution of historic sandeel TSB data, with conclusions based on the most precautionary scenario (this was the change in sandeel TSB from 300,000 tonnes to 400,000 tonnes). It is important to note that this was not a prediction of the expected change in sandeel TSB as a result of the compensatory measure, but only a realistic worst-case scenario to help aid decision making. Scenarios were based on changes in TSB of 100,000 tonnes, so that the five scenarios covered the bulk of the historic TSB data and reflected the levels of change seen in TSB across the available dataset.
- This most precautionary improvement in seabird demography was then compared with the three impact scenarios, which included the most precautionary impact scenario. Thus, the conclusions were based on the likelihood that a worst-case compensation benefit would be sufficient to overcome a worst case impact prediction. This is a highly precautionary approach, which was chosen to improve the confidence that could be placed in the results.
Evidence from other sandeel stocks
- The confidence in the effect of changes in sandeel stocks in SA4 on seabird demographics was increased by the presence of evidence from other sandeel stocks in the North Sea. Evidence of the effects of declining sandeel stocks on kittiwake productivity and survival were shown in SA7 (see Figure 1.5 Open ▸ , and Oro and Furness 2002). The hindcast modelling by Lindegren et al. (2018) showed that sandeel stocks in SA1r would be larger with lower fishing mortality. The Ecopath with Ecosim modelling by Natural England (unpublished at the time of writing) also showed that reducing, or closing, the sandeel fishery in the North Sea would result in increases in sandeel stock biomass and increases in the populations of predatory fish, seabird and mammal species that feed on these stocks.
- These additional pieces of evidence lend weight to the evidence shown in this report and increases confidence that change in the management of the sandeel stock in SA4 would result in benefits to both the stock itself and a wide variety of species that forage on this stock.
Evidence from other seabird/fisheries interactions
- The review of the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas, and specifically the effects of changes to fish stock protection or exploitation (see Annex A) showed that there are many instances, from a wide variety of fish species, fisheries types and seabird species, from around the world of the benefits of fisheries management practices that take seabird foraging needs into account. Many of these were included in the analysis by Cury et al. (2011), which also included the North Sea sandeel stock. The presence of multiple examples of the positive effects of fisheries management changes to benefit seabirds increases the confidence that the proposed compensatory measures for the Proposed Development will also result in benefits to breeding seabird populations in SA4.
Discussion and Conclusions
- The uncertainties in the information used in this report to show the effectiveness of the proposed sandeel fisheries compensatory measures were identified. By identifying these uncertainties it was possible to determine the effect of these on the assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed measures. In several important cases, most notably the use of return rates as a proxy value for adult survival, the presence of uncertainties in the underlying data was unlikely to have had any important effect on assessment of compensation effectiveness.
- To manage the uncertainty in both the impact assessment and the assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed sandeel fisheries compensatory measures to overcome these a suitable precautionary approach was applied. This was mainly through the identification of reasonable worst-case impact and compensation scenarios. By comparing the worst case (i.e. highest) impact scenario against the worst case (i.e. lowest) benefit from compensation a highly precautionary approach was taken. By applying this precautionary approach confidence that the proposed compensatory measures will be sufficient is greatly increased.
- Confidence was also improved through the building of the evidence from other studies to support the concept of the sandeel fisheries stock management as a compensatory measure. Evidence was shown for the benefits from other fisheries and seabird populations around the world, and from other sandeel stocks in the North Sea.
1.11. General conclusions
- There is strong evidence globally that conservation management measures to reduce or eliminate fishing mortality on seabird prey fish stock has had important benefits across a wide variety of fish species, fisheries and seabirds. This led to the conclusion that similar measures on sandeel stocks in the North Sea could be used to positively affect seabird populations predicted to be impacted by the Proposed Development.
- It was therefore important to determine if the sandeel stock in the North Sea could be managed to increase the stock of prey for seabirds. There was strong evidence that the sandeel population in the North Sea, including in SA4, was smaller than historic records show and that this was primarily due to high fishing mortality, both in the recent past and currently. There was also strong evidence that in SA4 specific management measures to increase the stock had only been partially effective. The sandeel box has displaced fisheries to the waters outside the box, while simultaneously basing the TAC on the total populations of sandeels in SA4 (including inside the box), resulting in much higher fishing mortality on the remaining sandeels outside the box in SA4.
- There is strong evidence that sandeel stocks are important for seabirds foraging in the North Sea during the breeding season. There is strong evidence that kittiwake breeding success and survival are influenced strongly by sandeel abundance. There is also good evidence that sandeel abundance has an influence on the breeding success of other seabirds. There is strong evidence that the foraging range of seabirds varies during the breeding season and that seabirds in SA4 are likely to rely on sandeel abundance across a large part of the area outside the sandeel box.
- The presence of strong published evidence that sandeel abundance strongly affected breeding success and abundance across a wide range of breeding seabird species led to analyses to examine if similar relationships occurred for kittiwake, guillemot, razorbill and puffin foraging in SA4. Strong relationships were found between sandeel abundance and seabird abundance, productivity and return rate (a proxy for adult survival) for all the species assessed, except for razorbill, where there was no relationship with productivity.
- There was also strong evidence of recovery of sandeel stocks in the North Sea following closure of the fishery. This included evidence from the sandeel box in SA4.
- Various elements combined to strongly suggest that SA4 is likely to be the most effective scale for compensation. Foraging range information, based on tracking data from a relatively limited period of the annual cycle, showed that important areas of sandeel habitat occurred outside the box. New analyses of kittiwake productivity from colonies within SA4 that either adjacent to the box or outside the box showed no important difference in the relationship between productivity and TSB in SA4. This finding adds to the evidence that seabird populations are responding to the sandeel population size across the whole of SA4, and that the sandeel box has been only partially successful at mitigating the impacts of the fishery on seabird populations. Finally, the presence of strong relationships between each of adult population size, return rates and productivity and TSB in SA4 showed that the population is responding to changes at this spatial scale. It seems likely, therefore, that this scale is important to seabirds breeding on the Isle of May. This may be because of the importance of areas beyond typical foraging range in poor sandeel years and in the periods of the annual cycle outside the breeding season.
- The current management of sandeel stocks in SA4 does not account for the presence of the box. So sandeel TAC is based on the TSB in all of SA4, not just the stock outside the box. Given the sedentary nature of individual sandeels, this suggests that impacts on sandeel stocks outside the box could be particularly severe., These areas may be important to seabirds during periods of the annual cycle not assessed through tracking during the early chick phase.
- Thus, reducing or removing fishing pressure across the whole of SA4 is very likely the most effective measure to compensate for predicted impacts. The level of compensation that could potentially be achieved through reducing or removing fishing pressure was then explored.
- Likely gains to the SPA populations of kittiwake, guillemot, razorbill, and puffin predicted to be impacted by the proposed development varied across five compensation scenarios. The scenario that produced the smallest benefit to SPA populations was the change in sandeel TSB from 300,000 to 400,000 tonnes. This worst-case benefit to sandeels from reducing or removing fishing pressure was therefore compared with the predicted impacts, including the worst-case impact scenario.
- The ability of the proposed compensation measures, reducing or removing fishing pressure in SA4, was tested using relationships between sandeel TSB in SA4 and adult return rate (as a proxy for adult survival) or productivity. The positive effects of predicted changes in demographic parameters were compared with the negative effects of three predicted impact scenarios from the Proposed Development alone.
- For all species and all SPAs, it was clear that the predicted minimum benefit from reducing or removing fishing pressure in SA4 was sufficient to compensate for all predicted impact scenarios, including the worst-case scenario.
- These analyses have demonstrated that reducing or removing fishing pressure in the remaining area of SA4 outside the sandeel box would provide more than sufficient compensation for the predicted impacts from the Proposed Development. There was sufficient strength in the evidence used to support this assessment, combined with the comparison of a worst-case benefits with worst case predicted impacts, to be sufficiently certain that the proposed sandeel fisheries compensatory measure will ensure the coherence of the UK SPA network.
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ANNEX A. Review of Marine Protected Areas
The effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas
- Compensation measures may be needed for SPA seabird populations due to predicted impacts from the Proposed Development. One of the potentially beneficial measures would be to improve the demographic parameters of seabird populations predicted to be impacted by the Proposed Development through the closure or management of fisheries of seabird prey species. Additionally, the influence of prey fish abundance on seabird demographics was also reviewed.
- There are numerous reviews of the evidence that protected areas benefit conservation of species, communities and ecosystem services. In particular, fishery closures strongly promote the recovery of fish stock biomass following heavy exploitation (MacNeil et al. 2015, Cabral 2020). Fishery closures can take the form of technical measures (specified constraints on gear use within a fishery; McClanahan et al. 2014, Campbell et al. 2018), periodic or seasonal closures (Cohen and Alexander 2013), or rights-based controls on access into the fishery. Such constraints on fishing may be the most effective measures to achieve conservation objectives of marine protected areas (MPAs) (Campbell et al. 2018, Cabral et al. 2020, Vilas et al. 2020).
- From analysis of 87 MPAs worldwide, Edgar et al. (2014) defined five key factors that determine the effectiveness of an MPA; the extent to which fishing is limited, the level of enforcement of fisheries constraints, MPA age, MPA size, and presence of continuous habitat allowing spill over of fish or shellfish from the MPA into surrounding waters. Similarly, Zupan et al. (2018) found that the designation of MPAs alone may not result in the lessening of some human threats, which is highly dependent on management goals and the related specific regulations that are adopted. They showed that fully protected areas effectively eliminated extractive activities, whereas the intensity of artisanal and recreational fishing within partially protected areas they investigated, paradoxically, was higher than that found outside MPAs, questioning their ability to reach conservation targets. They concluded that understanding the intensity and occurrence of human threats operating at the local scale inside and around MPAs is important for assessing MPA effectiveness in achieving the goals they have been designed for, informing management strategies, and prioritizing specific actions.
- Baskett and Barnett (2015) concluded in relation to fishery no-take protected areas “Responses at each level depend on the tendency of fisheries to target larger body sizes and the tendency for greater reserve protection with less movement within and across populations. The primary population response to reserves is survival to greater ages and sizes plus increases in the population size for harvested species, with greater response to reserves that are large relative to species' movement rates. The primary community response to reserves is an increase in total biomass and diversity, with the potential for trophic cascades and altered spatial patterning of metacommunities. The primary evolutionary response to reserves is increased genetic diversity, with the theoretical potential for protection against fisheries-induced evolution and selection for reduced movement.” The potential for the combined outcome of these responses to buffer marine populations and communities against temporal environmental heterogeneity has preliminary theoretical and empirical support. However, while the benefits from many MPAs have been widely recognised, not all MPAs have successful outcomes. Giakoumi et al. (2018) reviewed 27 detailed case studies from around the world and concluded that the most important factor determining the success or failure of a MPA was the level of stakeholder engagement. This conclusion was also reached in a comparison between two MPAs for coral reef fish in the Philippines, one successful and one unsuccessful, because constraints on fishing failed at one site due to a lack of community support (Russ and Alcala 1999).
- As one recent example in the context of fishery impacts, Fernandez-Chacon et al. (2020) studied MPA effects on lobsters Homarus gammarus collected at three pairs of MPA and control areas in Norway and reported that “annual mean survival was higher inside MPAs (0.592) vs. control areas (0.298), that significant negative relationships between survival and body size occurred at the control areas but not in the MPAs, where the effect of body size was predominantly positive. Additionally, we found that mean and maximum body size increased over time inside MPAs but not in control areas. Overall, our results suggest that MPAs can rebuild phenotypic complexity (i.e. size structure) and provide protection from harvest selection”.
- Jaco and Steele (2019) showed that MPA effects on fish size and survival were greater where prior fishing pressure had been higher, a conclusion also reached by Buxton et al. (2014). This does make the point that selecting areas for protection will have the greatest benefit where the impact of fishing mortality can be reduced most.
- Ballantyne (2014) reviewed the results from establishment of marine protected areas in New Zealand waters since the first was designated in 1977. He concluded, “When marine reserves were established, their ecology began to change, due to the cessation of fishing and other previous manipulations. These changes were complex, often large and continued to develop for decades. The study of these changes, and a continuing comparison to fished areas provided a great deal of new scientific data showing how fishing directly and indirectly alters ecosystems. The scientific benefits of marine reserves proved so numerous that it became clear that marine reserves are as important to science - they are the controls for the uncontrolled experiment that is happening due to fishing and other human activities. The general benefits of marine reserves to society as a whole; directly to conservation, education, recreation and management, and indirectly to fisheries, tourism and coastal planning; are so important that a systematic approach to their creation is in the public interest”.
- Parsons et al. (2004) reported long-term effects of protection within the Leigh marine reserve, New Zealand, including a trophic cascade related to predator activity with recovery of kelp forest in waters <8 m deep, and increase in turfing algal habitat. Snappers Pagrus auratus have been actively fished for more than 100 years in New Zealand and studied by fisheries scientists for more than 50 years. However, when studied in the marine reserve at Leigh (where it had become sixteen times more abundant than in fished areas outside the reserve, suggesting a change in ranging behaviour in response to the lack of fishing) it was discovered that, within the reserve, most individuals had small home-ranges in which they stayed for months at a time (Parsons et al. 2003).
- The Tsitsikamma National Park Marine Protected Area (Tsitsikamma MPA), a 60 km stretch of exposed rocky southern coast of South Africa, was proclaimed in 1964, making it Africa’s oldest MPA. This site was established as a zone with fishing strictly limited by permit, to try to recover over-exploited stocks of reef fish, many of the species present being endemic to South Africa. Many of these fish species have maximum ages over 20 years and are highly resident, so appear suited to protected area conservation. Tsitsikamma MPA has been a focus of research testing the hypothesis that MPAs allow recovery of depleted stocks of reef fish and the maintenance of critical spawner biomass. Despite extensive illegal poaching of fish from within this MPA, and several changes over the decades in the severity of constraint on fishing (Lombard et al. 2020), Buxton and Smale (1989) showed that roman Chrysoblephus laticeps, dageraad Chrysoblephus cristiceps and red steenbras Petrus rupestris achieved greater abundance and sizes inside the MPA than outside. Cowley et al. (2002) recorded that blacktail Diplodus capensis, zebra D. hottentotus, bronze bream Pachymetopon grande and galjoen Dichistius capensis achieved abundances of 5 to 21 times more inside the MPA than outside, and that these fish were on average 40% larger in the MPA than outside.
- Malcolm et al. (2018) used stereo baited remote underwater videos eight, nine, thirteen and fourteen years after ‘no take’ marine protected areas were established at the Solitary Islands Marine Park, Australia. Four species targeted by fishers: snapper Chrysophrys auratus, grey morwong Nemadactylus douglasi, pearl perch Glaucosoma scapulare, and venus-tuskfish Choerodon venustus, were more abundant and larger in ‘no take’ zones and showed an increase through time in ‘no take’ relative to fished areas. In contrast, there was no distinct pattern of four bycatch species increasing in abundance in ‘no-take’ areas.
- Boulcott et al. (2018) reported on the abundances of scallops in a small, protected area in Lamlash Bay, Arran. A no-take zone (NTZ) was established in 2008 in a small area (about 2.7 km2) of Lamlash Bay, excluding scallop dredging and bottom-trawling from the area. Five years after the closure, there was neither a significant increase in adult scallop abundance within the NTZ nor evidence of the dispersal of adults into surrounding areas. That finding contradicts an earlier claim that this NTZ had resulted in higher recruitment of scallop larvae into the NTZ compared to densities found outside the NTZ (Howarth et al. 2011). Boulcott et al. (2018) concluded that the small size of the NTZ may have played a role in the lack of demonstrable scallop recovery, that the lack of an effect may also be due to relatively low fishing pressure before the no-take zone was established, and that possibly responses may take more than five years in species where high recruitment is infrequent, as is the case in scallops. However, by 2019 the density of king scallops in the NTZ had increased substantially, to more than 3.7 times the level in 2013, and to a significantly higher abundance than in areas outside the NTZ (Stewart et al. 2020).
- Abundances of the European lobster Homarus gammarus in Lamlash Bay NTZ (Howarth et al. 2016) and in a similar‐sized NTZ in Lundy, UK (Hoskin et al. 2011), were found to increase demonstrably within 2–3 years of the closure of fishing within the NTZ. However, Howarth et al. (2016) concluded that high fishing effort outside the reserve may have reduced lobster abundance towards the end of their study, further supporting the concern about the effectiveness of a NTZ that is small in relation to the dispersal movements of the animals. Lobster Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) declined with increasing distance from the NTZ boundaries up to 20 km away (Howarth et al. 2016). Tagging and recapturing of the lobsters indicated this was likely due to “spillover”, with individuals from within the NTZ moving outside (Howarth et al. 2016, Stewart et al. 2020). The body size of lobsters was also consistently greater within the NTZ across all years, and because egg production increases with body size, and mature lobsters were so much more abundant in the NTZ, this difference translated to over 5.7 times more eggs within the NTZ in 2018, than in an unprotected area of equal size (Stewart et al. 2020). Stewart et al. (2020) concluded that “Our results demonstrate that recovery of biological communities inside protected areas is not monotonic; instead, what we are seeing is complex, ecological processes unfolding in a dynamic environment. This should not be seen as problematic; the complexity should be embraced; it is a more accurate reflection of how ecosystems naturally function. This emerging understanding is crucial for both setting realistic management objectives for other MPAs in the region, and for managing the expectations of conservationists and managers in the future”.
- Kough et al. (2019) showed that Exuma Cays MPAs held higher densities of queen conch Lobatus gigas than found in fished areas and showed that there are positive associations between enforcement and conch size and age. They concluded that the MPA is currently sustaining the nearby populations exposed to fishing, as a result of spillover of larvae from the MPA.
- One of the key objectives of MPAs is to create “spillover” with fish or crustaceans that increase in density in the MPA dispersing into adjacent areas. Many studies present evidence that spillover occurs from MPAs and so supports fisheries in the region (e.g. McClanahan and Mangi 2000, Gell and Roberts 2003, Abesamis and Russ 2005, Goni et al. 2008, Harmelin-Vivien et al. 2008, Stobart et al. 2009, Goni et al. 2010, Vandeperre et al. 2011, Florin et al. 2013, Huserbråten et al. 2013, Kerwath et al. 2013, Rossiter and Levine 2014, Alos et al. 2015, Di Lorenzo et al. 2016, Sackett et al. 2017, Kleiven et al. 2019, Kough et al. 2019, Marshall et al. 2019, Cabral et al. 2020, Di Lorenzo et al. 2020, Vilas et al. 2020, Sala-Coromina et al. 2021). For example, Huserbråten et al. (2013) showed that European lobster Homarus gammarus survival and abundance and size increased in MPAs where fishing for lobsters was prohibited. They also showed that there was some spillover of adult lobsters, but that this was very limited due to high levels of residency of these animals. However, larval export from the MPAs was assessed as being very high, and therefore affecting large areas outside the small MPAs due to the pelagic larval stage. Spillover of larvae can be especially important from MPAs because the mean size of fish or crustacea tends to increase within MPAs, and larger animals produce disproportionally greater numbers of larvae (Marshall et al. 2019).
- Kleiven et al. (2019) presented results from a fine-scale spatial gradient study conducted before and after the implementation of a five km2 lobster MPA in southern Norway. A significant nonlinear response in lobster abundance, estimated as CPUE from experimental fishing, was detected within two years of protection. After four years, CPUE values inside the MPA had increased by a magnitude of 2.6 compared to before-protection values. CPUE showed a significant nonlinear decline from the centre of the MPA, with a depression immediately outside the border and a plateau in fished areas. Overall fishing pressure almost doubled over the course of the study. The highest increase in fishing pressure (by a magnitude of 3) was recorded within one km of the MPA border, providing a plausible cause for the depression in CPUE. The authors conclude that, taken together, these results demonstrate the need to regulate fishing pressure in surrounding areas when MPAs are implemented as fishery management tools.
- Stobart et al. (2009) reported that at the Columbretes Islands Marine Reserve, Spain, relative to nearby fished areas the reserve fish community had higher abundance and biomass, and larger relative body size. They found clear evidence of spillover of fish from the reserve to the adjacent fishery as commercial fish yields at the reserve border increased continuously during the study period, despite being locally depleted due to fishing effort concentration at the edge of the reserve (“fishing the line”). Harmelin-Vivien et al. (2008) assessed the presence of gradients of fish abundance and biomass across marine reserve boundaries in six Mediterranean MPAs. A reserve effect was detected, with higher values of fish species richness (x1.1), abundance (x1.3), and biomass (x4.7) recorded inside MPAs compared to adjacent fished areas. Linear correlations revealed significant negative gradients in mean fish biomass in all the reserves studied. They concluded that the existence of regular patterns of negative fish biomass gradients from within MPAs to fished areas was consistent with the hypothesis of adult fish biomass spillover processes from marine reserves, and that it could be considered as a general pattern in the Mediterranean region. Vandeperre et al. (2011) used 28 data sets from seven MPAs in southern Europe to show that CPUE of fisheries outside the MPAs increased as a result of spillover of fish from the MPA. Furthermore, the boost to the marketable catch from spillover increased by an average of 3% per year for at least 30 years after designation of the MPAs.
- Using a 15-year time series of nationwide, spatially referenced catch and effort data, Kerwath et al. (2013) found that the establishment of the Goukamma MPA benefited the adjacent fishery for roman Chrysoblephus laticeps, a South African endemic seabream. Roman-directed CPUE in the vicinity of the new MPA immediately increased, contradicting trends across this species’ distribution. The increase continued after 5 years, the time lag expected for larval export, effectively doubling the pre-MPA CPUE after 10 years. Garcia-Rubies et al. (2013) point out that spillover may not occur in the initial stages of some MPAs, especially where fish are slow-growing and long-lived so may take many years to reach carrying capacity within the MPA, and significant spillover of adult or maturing fish is only likely after that has occurred.
- Di Lorenzo et al. (2020) developed a meta-analysis of a global database covering 23 MPAs where fishing is prohibited or strictly limited, in twelve different countries, to assess the capacity of MPAs to export fish biomass and to assess whether this response was mediated by particular MPA features (e.g. size, age) or fish species characteristics (e.g. mobility, economic value). Results, on average, showed that fish biomass and abundance were highest inside the MPA, but outside the MPAs were higher in locations close to MPA borders, were particularly higher close to the MPA for species with a high commercial value, and were higher in the presence of a partially protected area (PPA) surrounding the MPA. Spillover slightly increased as MPAs were larger and older and for species that were more mobile. The authors concluded that spillover is a regular feature of MPAs where fishing is prohibited or limited, and that this could enhance local fishery management.
- While there is much empirical evidence of increases in sizes and numbers of animals within MPAs compared with control areas outside the MPA, another approach to assessing the benefits of MPAs is to use scenario modelling. Dahood et al. (2020) used a dynamic food web model to evaluate a range of different scenarios for MPAs in the Southern Ocean. Halouani et al. (2020) used a modelling approach to assess the extent to which the ‘no-take zone’ created by an offshore wind farm may benefit conservation of fish stocks. Vilas et al. (2020) used a comparative food-web modelling approach to demonstrate that fully protected MPAs perform better than partially protected MPAs and, even when small, can yield local positive impacts on the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems that contribute to support local fisheries.
- The success of very many MPAs and NTZs around the world has led to a more strategic approach to marine conservation designations in some countries. In 2002, after more than a decade of consultation, the State of Victoria, Australia, established 24 no-take areas (including 10 Marine National Parks) totalling 540 km2 and more than 5% of State waters (Sobel and Dahlgren 2004). This was the world’s first representative system of marine reserves. In 2003, the California Fish and Game Commission approved ten ‘no-take’ marine reserves in the northern Channel Islands, California. The initial zones covered state waters (out to three nautical miles), but later the federal authorities extended these to six nautical miles. The reserves comprised 25% of waters around the islands and formed the first replicated and representative marine reserve system. In 2004, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s new zoning plan was approved by the Australian Federal Government (Sobel and Dahlgren 2004). The plan required a minimum of 25% by area of all 73 bioregions in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to be completely ‘no-take’.
- On the high seas, 286,200 km2 of the North-East Atlantic was designated as six MPAs in international waters under the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the OSPAR Convention) in 2010, which is considered to be the start of a process of developing an ecologically coherent and representative MPA network in that ocean (O’Leary et al. 2012).
- In England, in addition to existing and new SPAs and SACs, 91 Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) have been designated between November 2013 and May 2019 as an ecologically coherent network in terms of representation of species and habitats. In Scotland, a combination of marine extensions to Special Protection Areas (SPAs) originally designated for breeding seabirds, designation of marine areas as SPAs for nonbreeding seabirds, designation of SACs for marine mammals, MPAs for marine mammals, fish and marine invertebrates, comprise 225 sites providing protection over more than 37% of Scotland’s marine waters. Many of these sites have been designated within the last few years, so too recently for any assessment of changes that may follow as a consequence of management. Not all of these MPAs involve establishment of fisheries restrictions, depending on the objectives for individual sites. In addition to SPAs, SACs and MPAs, five other area-based measures include a temporary no-take zone for sandeel fishing off east Scotland, which has remained in force without any suggestion that this will be revoked.
- The efficacy of MPAs might be compromised by climate change if climate change results in the poleward shift of species’ distributions so could move species out of MPAs. While modelling of species’ distributions suggests such poleward shifts will occur (Sadykova et al. 2020, Clairbaux et al. 2021), the key feature of MPAs is the reduction in fishing pressure on stocks. There will be few cases where MPAs are situated at the equatorial edge of fish distributions, so climate change is unlikely to negate the benefits of MPAs except in a very few exceptional such cases (Clairbaux et al. 2021).
Case studies of NTZs that influence seabird demography
- Very few MPAs/NTZs have been designated with the objective to enhance conservation of seabird populations (Ronconi et al. 2012, Hentati-Sundberg et al. 2020). However, that outcome could arise if MPA/NTZ designation resulted in a reduction of seabird bycatch in fisheries, or if the MPA/NTZ resulted in a bottom-up increase in energy flow through the food web up to seabirds (i.e. increased the abundance or quality of their preferred foods; Hentati-Sundberg et al. 2020), or if MPA/NTZ designation improved the quality of breeding habitat for seabirds (for example by reducing human disturbance, removing threats from alien invasive mammal predators, or improving nest site quality).
- Several studies have focused on the potential of designating or managing marine protected areas for seabird conservation (Lascelles et al. 2012, Ronconi et al. 2012, Sherley et al. 2017). Studwell et al. (2021) presented a habitat prioritization approach for identifying critical areas for wildlife conservation action, including seabirds. They demonstrated the value of that approach by applying it to the wildlife in the offshore waters of Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, California. They identified areas where seabirds would benefit from a combination of adding protections to some areas and enhancing management of the primary disturbance resulting from higher risk activities, which in their case study included benthic fishing with mobile or fixed gear. Silva et al. (2020) investigated spatial overlap between a key forage fish species (sandeel) and two protected predators, humpback whale and great shearwater in the Gulf of Maine, USA. Both the cetacean and the seabird showed very strong and consistent match in spatial distribution with that of sandeel. They proposed managing protected areas for these top predators on the basis of the key role of sandeel habitat in determining predator distributions in that system.
- In a review of the pressures and threats to global populations of penguins, Boersma et al. (2020) identified marine spatial planning as the highest ranked conservation need to conserve endangered penguin populations, for which they particularly emphasize the need for MPAs to manage fisheries to ensure that adequate prey resources for penguins remain in areas critical to their breeding success (i.e. close to colonies) and survival (i.e. over larger spatial scales when penguins are dispersed from the colony sites).
- Requena et al. (2020) used tracking data from nine seabird species and one marine mammal to identify marine hotspots around Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean. These included offshore sea mounts as well as areas in the vicinity of breeding sites on the islands and were consistent across years. They concluded that tracking data provide reliable information that could be used to define MPAs for these top predator populations, which include several endemic and globally threatened species. Analyses of seabird tracking data in UK waters was considered to provide effective identification of seabird hotspots that could be designated as MPAs (Cleasby et al. 2020). Using maximum curvature methods (as developed for seabird hotspot identification by O’Brien et al. 2012) allowed clear definition of seabird hotspots and this and other analytical methods consistently identified several high-density areas that Kober et al. (2010) and Cleasby et al. (2020) considered should be prioritised for seabird conservation. Critchley et al. (2019) used seabird tracking data to test whether simple foraging radius models from colonies provide a cost-effective alternative to large-scale surveys or tracking studies. They showed that for a range of seabirds of differing ecology (razorbill, puffin, Manx shearwater and European storm-petrel) foraging radius distribution broadly matched foraging areas identified from tracking breeding adults from colonies or from aerial surveys. The foraging radius method fitted better to tracking data than to aerial survey data, which could indicate that nonbreeding birds that will be seen in aerial survey data but not in tracking data and which represent a significant component of the total population but may avoid areas with dense aggregations of more experienced breeding adults, may confuse efforts to identify key foraging areas used by breeding birds. Perrow et al. (2015) also used a combination of tracking of breeding adults, a boat-based survey, and a foraging radius approach to define the at-sea MPA (in this case a SPA marine extension) for breeding little terns. They also found that these different approaches defined areas that were broadly similar, giving confidence in the use of each and suggesting that an integrated approach would be most suitable. Similarly, tracking data from marine mammals have been used to justify decisions on boundaries of MPAs, in some cases providing retrospective justification (e.g. Kirkman et al. 2016). Arias-Del-Razo et al. (2019) showed that MPAs with large populations of marine mammals still provided large gains in fish biomass (which increased with the age of the MPA), despite the presence of marine mammals that could be a major predator on those fish. However, Kelaher et al. (2015) concluded that reef fish increased less in MPAs with large seal populations than in MPAs without large numbers of seals and suggested that if the aim is to recover reef fish populations, designating MPA sites away from seal colonies may be preferable. An implication of this, of course, is that if the aim is to improve conditions for top predators, then marine habitat management that enhances populations of fish on which the predators can feed will be an effective conservation measure.
- Bertrand et al. (2012) showed that the foraging efficiency of breeding seabirds in Peru may be significantly affected by not only the global quantity, but also the temporal and spatial patterns of fishery removals of forage fish (in this case, anchoveta). They concluded that, together with an ecosystem-based definition of the fishery quota, an ecosystem approach to fisheries management should limit the risk of local depletion around breeding colonies using, for instance, adaptive marine protected areas around colonies of forage-fish dependent seabirds.
- Hentati-Sundberg et al. (2020) developed a bioenergetics model linking top predator (such as seabirds) breeding biology and foraging ecology with forage fish ecology and fisheries management. They applied their framework to the case study example of common guillemots and razorbills at a Baltic Sea colony where they depend on sprat and juvenile herring as key prey species. They showed that a fishery management target of ‘one-third-for-the-birds’ (Cury et al. 2011) is sufficient to sustain successful breeding by the seabirds. However, the results also highlight the importance of maintaining sufficient prey densities in the vicinity of the colony, suggesting that fine-scale spatial fisheries management is necessary to maintain high seabird breeding success, and therefore indicating the value of a MPA that limits forage-fish fishery harvests in areas close to the seabird colony.