Decommissioning phase
- Potential expenditure on decommissioning activities associated with Tiers 2 to 4 projects could support employment in activities associated with decommissioning in the relevant socio-economics local study areas and socio-economics national study area.
- The scale and duration of decommissioning activity is uncertain. The exact approach to decommissioning is not yet confirmed as best practice at the time is not currently known.
- On this basis the magnitude of effects is assessed as lower than those set out for the construction phase under the baseline and enhanced scenarios.
- The significance of effects assessed at construction phase for employment in manufacturing, construction, and installation activities are set out in Table 18.100 Open ▸ . On the basis of currently available evidence the significance of effects for the decommissioning phase will be no greater than moderate beneficial across socio-economics local study areas and the socio-economics national study area. This is significant in EIA terms.
Tier 1
Construction phase
- The potential Tier 1 cumulative impacts on GVA in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Baseline procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.106 Open ▸ .
Table 18.107: Potential Tier 1 Cumulative Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) on GVA in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – Socio-Economics National Study Area
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.107 Open ▸ .
Table 18.108: Comparison of Tier 1 Cumulative Construction Phase GVA Impacts vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions – Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of Tier 1 cumulative impacts for the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.108 Open ▸ . The share of offshore wind sector GVA within the local study areas is inferred based on the nationally available data.
Table 18.109: Magnitude of Tier 1 Cumulative Construction Phase GVA Impacts – Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of effect for the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.109 Open ▸ .
Table 18.110: Significance of Tier 1 Cumulative Construction Phase GVA Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) – Socio-Economics National Study Area
Alternative Procurement Scenarios
- The assessment set out above has been undertaken on the Baseline procurement scenario. The same approach has been undertaken to the Enhanced scenario, as defined in the supporting Technical Impact Report (volume 3, appendix 18.1). This assumes an increased share of UK and Scottish content in the supply chain within the construction phase, so beneficial effects are predicted to be greater.
- The potential Tier 1 cumulative impacts on GVA in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Enhanced procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.110 Open ▸ . An equivalent Enhanced scenario is also available for the Tier 1 project, which has also been adopted here.
Table 18.111: Potential Tier 1 Cumulative Impacts (Enhanced Procurement Scenario) on GVA in Manufacturing, Construction and Installation Activities – Socio-Economics National Study Area
- There is a substantial increase in the Tier 1 cumulative impacts assessed during the construction phase under the Enhanced scenario at the socio-economics national study area level. The increase in GVA impacts is substantial enough to bring about an increase in the assessed significance of effects.
- Therefore, under the Enhanced scenario, at the socio-economics national study area level the magnitude of the Tier 1 cumulative impact is deemed to be high beneficial and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be high. The effect will be of major beneficial significance, which is significant in EIA terms.
Operation and maintenance phase
- The potential Tier 1 cumulative impacts on GVA in operation and maintenance activities at the socio-economics local study area and socio-economics national study area level are set out in Table 18.111 Open ▸ .
Table 18.112: Potential Tier 1 Cumulative Impacts on GVA in Operation and Maintenance Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.112 Open ▸ .
Table 18.113: Comparison of Tier 1 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase GVA Impacts vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of impact, and associated justification, for each socio-economics local study area(s) and socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.113 Open ▸ .
Table 18.114: Magnitude of Tier 1 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase GVA Impacts – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of the effect for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics and tourism and national study area is set out in Table 18.114 Open ▸ .
Table 18.115: Significance of Tier 1 Operation and Maintenance Phase GVA Impacts – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Decommissioning phase
- Potential expenditure on decommissioning of Tier 1 project(s) could support GVA in activities associated with decommissioning in the socio-economics local study areas and socio-economics national study area.
- The scale and duration of decommissioning activity is uncertain. The exact approach to decommissioning is not yet confirmed as best practice at the time is not currently known. It is currently anticipated that offshore infrastructure would be retained and repurposed, subject to review in the future on the basis of likely environmental impacts.
- On this basis the magnitude of effects is predicted to be significantly lower than those set out for the construction phase under the baseline and enhanced scenarios.
- The significance of Tier 1 cumulative effects assessed at construction phase for GVA in manufacturing, construction, and installation activities are set out in Table 18.109 Open ▸ . On the basis of currently available evidence the significance of effects for the decommissioning phase is predicted to be no greater than moderate beneficial significance across socio-economics local study areas and the socio-economics national study area. This is significant in EIA terms.
Tiers 2 to 4
Construction phase
- The potential Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts on GVA in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Baseline procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.115 Open ▸ .
Table 18.116: Potential Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) on GVA in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.116 Open ▸ .
Table 18.117: Comparison of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Construction Phase GVA Impacts vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts for the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.117 Open ▸ . The share of offshore wind sector GVA within the socio-economics local study areas is inferred based on the nationally available data.
Table 18.118: Magnitude of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Construction Phase GVA Impacts – by Socio-Economics Local Study Areas and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of effect for the socio-economics local study area(s) and socio-economics national study area are set out in Table 18.118 Open ▸ .
Table 18.119: Significance of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Construction Phase GVA Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Alternative Procurement Scenarios
- The assessment set out above has been undertaken on the Baseline procurement scenario. The same approach has been undertaken to the Enhanced scenario, as defined in the supporting Technical Impact Report (volume 3, appendix 18.1). This assumes an increased share of UK and Scottish content in the supply chain within the construction phase, so beneficial effects are predicted to be greater.
- The potential Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts on GVA in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Enhanced procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.119 Open ▸ . Equivalent ‘enhanced’ scenarios have also been adopted here, depending on availability by Tiers 2 to 4 projects.
Table 18.120: Potential Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Impacts (Enhanced Procurement Scenario) on GVA in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Areas and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
- Under the Enhanced scenario, there is some increase in the GVA impacts assessed at the socio-economics local study area level during construction phase. The quantitative assessment indicates some increase in the magnitude of impacts at this level. However, the change in GVA impacts is not judged to be substantial enough to justify increasing the assessed significance of effects – no change in significance of effect is assessed at this local study area level.
- There is a substantial increase in the Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts assessed during the construction phase under the Enhanced scenario at the socio-economics national study area level. This increases the assessed magnitude of impacts. The increase in employment impacts is judged to be substantial enough to justify increasing the assessed significance of effects.
- Therefore, under the Enhanced scenario, at the socio-economics national study area level the magnitude of the Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impact is deemed to be high beneficial and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be high. The effect will be of major beneficial significance, which is significant in EIA terms.
Operation and maintenance phase
- The potential Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts on GVA in operation and maintenance activities at the socio-economics local study area and socio-economics national study area level are set out in Table 18.120 Open ▸ .
Table 18.121: Potential Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Impacts on GVA in Operation and Maintenance Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.121 Open ▸ .
Table 18.122: Comparison of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase GVA Impacts vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of impact, and associated justification, for each socio-economics local study area(s) and socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.122 Open ▸ .
Table 18.123: Magnitude of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase GVA Impacts – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of the effect for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics and tourism and national study area is set out in Table 18.123 Open ▸ .
Table 18.124: Significance of Tiers 2 to 4 Operation and Maintenance Phase GVA Impacts – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Decommissioning phase
- Potential expenditure on decommissioning activities associated with Tiers 2 to 4 projects could support GVA in activities associated with decommissioning in the relevant socio-economics local study areas and socio-economics national study area.
- The scale and duration of decommissioning activity is uncertain. The exact approach to decommissioning is not yet confirmed as best practice at the time is not currently known.
- On this basis the magnitude of effects would be lower than those set out for the construction phase under the baseline and enhanced scenarios.
- The significance of effects assessed during the construction phase, for employment in manufacturing, construction, and installation activities, are set out in Table 18.118 Open ▸ . On the basis of currently available evidence the significance of effects for decommissioning phase is predicted to be no greater than moderate beneficial across socio-economics local study areas and the socio-economics national study area. This is significant in EIA terms.
Impact on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Activities (Including Supply Chain) Associated with: Manufacturing, Construction and Installation; Operation and Maintenance; and Decommissioning
Tier 1
Construction phase
- The potential Tier 1 cumulative impacts on employment in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Baseline procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.124 Open ▸ .
Table 18.125: Potential Tier 1 Cumulative Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – Socio-Economics National Study Area
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.125 Open ▸ .
Table 18.126: Comparison of Tier 1 Cumulative Construction Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions – Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of Tier 1 cumulative impacts for the Socio-Economics national study area is set out in Table 18.126 Open ▸ . The share of offshore wind sector employment within the local study areas is inferred based on the nationally available data.
Table 18.127: Magnitude of Tier 1 Cumulative Construction Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of effect for the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.127 Open ▸ .
Table 18.128: Significance of Tier 1 Cumulative Construction Phase Employment Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – Socio-Economics National Study Area
Alternative Procurement Scenarios
- The assessment set out above has been undertaken on the Baseline procurement scenario. The same approach has been undertaken to the Enhanced scenario, as defined in the supporting Technical Impact Report (volume 3, appendix 18.1). This assumes an increased share of UK and Scottish content in the supply chain within the construction phase, so beneficial effects are predicted to be greater.
- The potential Tier 1 cumulative impacts on employment in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Enhanced procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.128 Open ▸ . An equivalent Enhanced scenario is also available for the Tier 1 project, which has also been adopted here.
Table 18.129: Potential Tier 1 Cumulative Impacts (Enhanced Procurement Scenario) on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – Socio-Economics National Study Area
- There is a substantial increase in the Tier 1 cumulative impacts assessed during the construction phase under the Enhanced scenario at the socio-economics national study area level.
- Under the Enhanced scenario, at the socio-economics national study area level the magnitude of the Tier 1 cumulative impact is deemed to be medium beneficial and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be high. The effect will be of moderate to major beneficial significance, which is significant in EIA terms.
Operation and maintenance phase
- The potential Tier 1 cumulative impacts on employment in operation and maintenance activities at the socio-economics local study area and socio-economics national study area level are set out in Table 18.129 Open ▸ .
Table 18.130: Potential Tier 1 Cumulative Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Operation And Maintenance Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.130 Open ▸ .
Table 18.131: Comparison of Tier 1 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Operation and Maintenance Activities vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of impact for each socio-economics local study area(s) and socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.131 Open ▸ .
Table 18.132: Magnitude of Tier 1 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Operation and Maintenance – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of the effect for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics and tourism and national study area is set out in Table 18.132 Open ▸ .
Table 18.133: Significance of Tier 1 Operation and Maintenance Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents In Operation and Maintenance Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Decommissioning phase
- Potential expenditure on decommissioning of Tier 1 project(s) could support access to employment amongst local residents in activities associated with decommissioning in the socio-economics local study areas and socio-economics national study area.
- The scale and duration of decommissioning activity is uncertain. The exact approach to decommissioning is not yet confirmed as best practice at the time is not currently known. It is currently anticipated that offshore infrastructure would be retained and repurposed, subject to review in the future on the basis of likely environmental impacts.
- On this basis the magnitude of effects is predicted to be significantly lower than those set out for the construction phase under the baseline and enhanced scenarios.
- The significance of Tier 1 cumulative effects assessed at construction phase for access to employment amongst local residents in manufacturing, construction, and installation activities are set out in Table 18.127 Open ▸ . On the basis of currently available evidence the significance of effects for the decommissioning phase will be no greater than minor beneficial across socio-economics local study areas and the socio-economics national study area. This is not significant in EIA terms.
Tiers 2 to 4
Construction phase
- The potential Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts on employment in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Baseline procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.133 Open ▸ .
Table 18.134: Potential Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Source: HJA analysis of: Moray West Offshore Windfarm, 2018; and NorthConnect High Voltage Direct Current Cable Infrastructure, 2018
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.134 Open ▸ .
Table 18.135: Comparison of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Construction Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts for the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.135 Open ▸ . The share of offshore wind sector employment within the socio-economics local study areas is inferred based on the nationally available data.
Table 18.136: Magnitude of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Construction Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Areas and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of effect for the socio-economics local study area(s) and socio-economics national study area are set out in Table 18.136 Open ▸ .
Table 18.137: Significance of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Construction Phase Employment Impacts (Baseline Procurement Scenario) on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Alternative Procurement Scenarios
- The assessment set out above has been undertaken on the Baseline procurement scenario. The same approach has been undertaken to the Enhanced scenario, as defined in the supporting Technical Impact Report (volume 3, appendix 18.1). This assumes an increased share of UK and Scottish content in the supply chain within the construction phase, so beneficial effects are predicted to be greater.
- The potential Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts on employment in development, manufacturing and supply, and construction/installation activities under the Enhanced procurement scenario are set out in Table 18.137 Open ▸ . Equivalent ‘enhanced’ scenarios have also been adopted here, depending on availability by Tiers 2 to 4 projects.
Table 18.138: Potential Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Impacts (Enhanced Procurement Scenario) on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Manufacturing, Construction, and Installation Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Areas and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Source: HJA analysis of: Moray West Offshore Windfarm, 2018; and NorthConnect High Voltage Direct Current Cable Infrastructure, 2018
- Under the Enhanced scenario, there is some increase in the employment impacts assessed at the Socio-Economics local study area level during construction phase. The quantitative assessment indicates no change in the magnitude of impacts at this level.
- Therefore, under the Enhanced scenario, at the socio-economics local study area level the significance of effects assessed remain unchanged from the Baseline scenario as per Table 18.136 Open ▸ .
- There is a substantial increase in the Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts assessed during the construction phase under the Enhanced scenario at the socio-economics national study area level. This increases the assessed magnitude of impacts. The increase in employment impacts is judged to be substantial enough to justify increasing the assessed significance of effects.
- Therefore, under the Enhanced scenario, at the socio-economics national study area level the magnitude of the Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impact is deemed to be medium (beneficial) and the sensitivity of the receptor is considered to be high. The effect will be of moderate to major beneficial significance, which is significant in EIA terms.
Operation and maintenance phase
- The potential Tiers 2 to 4 cumulative impacts on employment in operation and maintenance activities at the socio-economics local study area and socio-economics national study area level are set out in Table 18.138 Open ▸ .
Table 18.139: Potential Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Operation And Maintenance Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Source: HJA analysis of: Moray West Offshore Windfarm, 2018; and NorthConnect High Voltage Direct Current Cable Infrastructure, 2018
Magnitude of impact
- A comparison of the assessed impact compared to the relevant baseline conditions for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.139 Open ▸ .
Table 18.140: Comparison of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents in Operation and Maintenance Activities vs. Relevant Baseline Conditions– by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
- The magnitude of impact for each socio-economics local study area(s) and socio-economics national study area is set out in Table 18.140 Open ▸ .
Table 18.141: Magnitude of Tiers 2 to 4 Cumulative Operation and Maintenance Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents In Operation and Maintenance Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Note: Assigned values from Table 18.23 Open ▸ shown in brackets.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- As per section 18.8, the sensitivity of the receptor for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics national study area is assessed as high.
Significance of the effect
- The significance of the effect for each socio-economics local study area(s) and the socio-economics and tourism and national study area is set out in Table 18.141 Open ▸ .
Table 18.142: Significance of Tiers 2 to 4 Operation and Maintenance Phase Employment Impacts on Access to Employment Amongst Local Residents In Operation and Maintenance Activities – by Socio-Economics Local Study Area(s) and Socio-Economics National Study Area
Decommissioning phase
- Potential expenditure on decommissioning activities associated with Tiers 2 to 4 projects could support access to employment amongst local residents in activities associated with decommissioning in the relevant socio-economics local study areas and socio-economics national study area.
- The scale and duration of decommissioning activity is uncertain. The exact approach to decommissioning is not yet confirmed as best practice at the time is not currently known.
- On this basis the magnitude of effects would be lower than those set out for the construction phase under the baseline and enhanced scenarios.
- The significance of effects assessed at construction phase for access to employment amongst local residents in manufacturing, construction, and installation activities are set out in Table 18.136 Open ▸ . On the basis of currently available evidence the significance of effects for the decommissioning phase will be no greater than moderate beneficial across socio-economics local study areas and the socio-economics national study area. This is significant in EIA terms.
Impact on the Demand for Housing, Accommodation and Local Services
Tier 1
Construction phase
- Within the construction phase there is no cumulative effect on the relevant socio-economics local study areas, with the offshore support facility locations separate to the onshore socio-economics local study area. There are therefore no socio-economics local study area cumulative effects on the demand for housing, accommodation and local services within Tier 1 beyond those identified for the offshore and onshore elements in their own right.
- There are potential cumulative effects within the socio-economics national study area (Scotland).
Magnitude of impact
- For offshore elements this is focused on the demand for temporary (overnight) accommodation related to the installation and commissioning offshore energy generation and transmission assets, with the majority of work taking place offshore, and only short term stays associated with the start and finish of two week shift patterns. Onshore construction activities have the potential to create demand for medium term accommodation demand, although the majority of the workforce is anticipated to be drawn from within a c60 minute drive time. There is therefore limited overlap of potential impact.
- The impacts will be contained within the anticipated maximum 96 month construction period. They are therefore assessed as long term.
- The magnitude of impact within the socio-economics national study area when considering the baseline procurement scenario remains negligible when considering the cumulative effects of Tier 1 schemes.
Sensitivity of the receptor
- The growth of the tourism sector which includes the temporary accommodation sector is a policy priority nationally. The analysis of baseline has identified significant remaining capacity across the hotel, guest house/B&B and hostel accommodation sector in terms of both peak month and average annual occupancy. The scale of demand arising from the Tier 1 cumulative effects is below normal levels of demand variation over the period 2017-19.
- The sensitivity of the receptor is assessed as medium.
Significance of the effect
- With magnitude assessed as negligible and sensitivity as medium, the significance is assessed as minor beneficial across the socio-economics national study area. This is not significant in EIA terms.
Alternative Procurement Scenarios
- The enhanced procurement scenario gives rise to increased demand for temporary (overnight) and medium term (e.g. private rented sector) accommodation during the construction phase. As set out above, there is no cumulative effect on the relevant socio-economics local study areas, with the offshore support port locations separate to the onshore impact areas. There are therefore no local study area cumulative effects on the demand for housing, accommodation and local services within Tier 1 beyond those identified for the offshore and onshore elements in their own right.
- There are cumulative effects within the socio-economics national study area. The magnitude of cumulative effects remains negligible, the sensitivity of the receptor is medium. The significance of effects is assessed as minor beneficial. This is not significant in EIA terms.