
Appendix 5     Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement

5.1                  Engagement to Date

  1. To support the development of this Offshore EIA Scoping Report, pre-scoping stakeholder engagement has been undertaken. An overview of this consultation is presented in Apx. Table 5. 1  Open ▸ . All pre-scoping engagement subsequent to March 2020 has been undertaken via conference calls reflecting the social distancing measures that have been in place for COVID-19.
  2. Consultation undertaken to date has focused on the initial Berwick Bank Wind Farm Proposal and to a lesser extent the Marr Bank Wind Farm Proposal. Consultation has included general project introductions to key stakeholders and regulators; discussions on proposed survey methodologies; pre-scoping engagement on the initial Berwick Bank Wind Farm Proposal; presentation of landfall options and proposed intertidal assessment approach; interim updates with key SNCBs and stakeholders and updates on interim data results for topics such as marine mammals, ornithology and shipping and navigation. An overview of this consultation is presented in Apx. Table 5. 1  Open ▸ .
Apx. Table 5. 1:
 Pre-Scoping Engagement Undertaken to Date

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