3.12 Guillemot - Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast SPA
Projection year | Additional adult mortalities | Median growth rates | 2.5 percentile of simulated growth rates | 97.5 percentile of simulated growth rates | Median counterfactual of population size | Median counterfactual of growth rates | Centile of unimpacted matching 50th centile of unimpacted |
2062 | 0 | 1.025 | 1.011 | 1.038 |
2062 | 10 | 1.025 | 1.011 | 1.037 | 0.990 | 1.000 | 48.3 |
2062 | 20 | 1.024 | 1.010 | 1.037 | 0.980 | 0.999 | 46.6 |
2062 | 30 | 1.024 | 1.010 | 1.037 | 0.970 | 0.999 | 45.4 |
2062 | 40 | 1.024 | 1.010 | 1.036 | 0.960 | 0.999 | 43.8 |
2062 | 50 | 1.023 | 1.009 | 1.036 | 0.950 | 0.999 | 42.2 |
2062 | 60 | 1.023 | 1.009 | 1.036 | 0.940 | 0.998 | 40.6 |
2062 | 70 | 1.023 | 1.009 | 1.036 | 0.930 | 0.998 | 39.0 |
2062 | 80 | 1.023 | 1.008 | 1.035 | 0.921 | 0.998 | 37.2 |
2062 | 90 | 1.022 | 1.008 | 1.035 | 0.911 | 0.997 | 35.6 |
2062 | 100 | 1.022 | 1.008 | 1.035 | 0.902 | 0.997 | 34.1 |
2062 | 110 | 1.022 | 1.008 | 1.034 | 0.893 | 0.997 | 32.7 |
2062 | 120 | 1.021 | 1.007 | 1.034 | 0.884 | 0.997 | 31.4 |
2062 | 130 | 1.021 | 1.007 | 1.034 | 0.874 | 0.996 | 30.2 |
2062 | 140 | 1.021 | 1.007 | 1.033 | 0.865 | 0.996 | 28.9 |
2062 | 150 | 1.021 | 1.006 | 1.033 | 0.857 | 0.996 | 27.8 |
2062 | 160 | 1.020 | 1.006 | 1.033 | 0.848 | 0.995 | 26.6 |
2062 | 170 | 1.020 | 1.006 | 1.033 | 0.839 | 0.995 | 25.5 |
2062 | 180 | 1.020 | 1.006 | 1.032 | 0.830 | 0.995 | 24.3 |
2062 | 190 | 1.019 | 1.005 | 1.032 | 0.822 | 0.995 | 23.3 |
2062 | 200 | 1.019 | 1.005 | 1.032 | 0.813 | 0.994 | 22.2 |
2077 | 0 | 1.025 | 1.013 | 1.036 |
2077 | 10 | 1.025 | 1.013 | 1.035 | 0.985 | 1.000 | 47.8 |
2077 | 20 | 1.024 | 1.013 | 1.035 | 0.971 | 0.999 | 46.4 |
2077 | 30 | 1.024 | 1.012 | 1.035 | 0.957 | 0.999 | 44.5 |
2077 | 40 | 1.024 | 1.012 | 1.034 | 0.943 | 0.999 | 42.3 |
2077 | 50 | 1.023 | 1.012 | 1.034 | 0.929 | 0.999 | 40.3 |
2077 | 60 | 1.023 | 1.012 | 1.034 | 0.916 | 0.998 | 38.3 |
2077 | 70 | 1.023 | 1.011 | 1.034 | 0.903 | 0.998 | 36.2 |
2077 | 80 | 1.022 | 1.011 | 1.033 | 0.890 | 0.998 | 34.6 |
2077 | 90 | 1.022 | 1.011 | 1.033 | 0.877 | 0.997 | 32.9 |
2077 | 100 | 1.022 | 1.010 | 1.033 | 0.864 | 0.997 | 31.2 |
2077 | 110 | 1.022 | 1.010 | 1.032 | 0.851 | 0.997 | 29.7 |
2077 | 120 | 1.021 | 1.010 | 1.032 | 0.839 | 0.997 | 27.9 |
2077 | 130 | 1.021 | 1.010 | 1.032 | 0.827 | 0.996 | 26.6 |
2077 | 140 | 1.021 | 1.009 | 1.031 | 0.815 | 0.996 | 24.8 |
2077 | 150 | 1.020 | 1.009 | 1.031 | 0.803 | 0.996 | 23.3 |
2077 | 160 | 1.020 | 1.009 | 1.031 | 0.791 | 0.995 | 21.8 |
2077 | 170 | 1.020 | 1.008 | 1.031 | 0.780 | 0.995 | 20.4 |
2077 | 180 | 1.020 | 1.008 | 1.030 | 0.768 | 0.995 | 18.9 |
2077 | 190 | 1.019 | 1.008 | 1.030 | 0.757 | 0.995 | 17.8 |
2077 | 200 | 1.019 | 1.007 | 1.030 | 0.746 | 0.994 | 16.5 |
Scenario | Sabb. Rate | Add. adult deaths | Add. immat. deaths | Med. popn size (2062) | Med. popn size (2062) 2.5% | Med. popn size (2062) 97.5% |
Baseline | 0.07 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 113267.4 | 65202.3 | 184901.2 |
Forth and Tay Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 6.0259 | 6.16 | 112540.0 | 64784.4 | 183731.0 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 12.5691 | 13.30 | 111732.6 | 64322.8 | 182431.1 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 27.0954 | 28.09 | 110012.0 | 63336.3 | 179664.7 |
North Sea Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 8.5259 | 8.06 | 112272.4 | 64630.1 | 183301.8 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach a | 0.07 | 18.7700 | 17.91 | 111079.2 | 63945.1 | 181382.8 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 39.2954 | 37.09 | 108753.3 | 62607.3 | 177639.9 |
(1) Project Alone: developer approach | 0.07 | 4.9259 | 4.76 | 112686.1 | 64867.3 | 183966.1 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 9.5691 | 9.40 | 112133.3 | 64550.8 | 183076.6 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach b | 0.07 | 21.3954 | 20.79 | 110758.1 | 63760.6 | 180864.2 |
Scenario | Sabb. Rate | Add. adult deaths | Add. immat. deaths | Med. popn size (2077) | Med. popn size (2077) 2.5% | Med. popn size (2077) 97.5% |
Baseline | 0.07 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 163159.6 | 89005.9 | 292409.4 |
Forth and Tay Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 6.0259 | 6.16 | 161674.4 | 88192.9 | 289762.2 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 12.5691 | 13.30 | 160030.9 | 87293.3 | 286832.3 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 27.0954 | 28.09 | 156557.3 | 85383.9 | 280621.2 |
North Sea Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 8.5259 | 8.06 | 161130.4 | 87894.7 | 288793.0 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach a | 0.07 | 18.7700 | 17.91 | 158709.5 | 86566.6 | 284475.0 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 39.2954 | 37.09 | 154028.2 | 83989.5 | 276114.9 |
(1) Project Alone: developer approach | 0.07 | 4.9259 | 4.76 | 161973.2 | 88355.9 | 290295.1 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 9.5691 | 9.40 | 160846.5 | 87740.1 | 288289.2 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach b | 0.07 | 21.3954 | 20.79 | 158059.5 | 86209.7 | 283315.4 |
Scenario | Sabb. Rate | Add. adult deaths | Add. immat. deaths | Ann. med. GR (2062) | Ann. med. GR (2062) lower CI | Ann. med. GR (2062) upper CI | Ann. med. GR (2077) | Ann. med. GR (2077) lower CI | Ann. med. GR (2077) upper CI |
Baseline | 0.07 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 1.025 | 1.011 | 1.038 | 1.025 | 1.013 | 1.036 |
Forth and Tay Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 6.0259 | 6.16 | 1.025 | 1.011 | 1.037 | 1.025 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 12.5691 | 13.30 | 1.025 | 1.010 | 1.037 | 1.024 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 27.0954 | 28.09 | 1.024 | 1.010 | 1.037 | 1.024 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
North Sea Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 8.5259 | 8.06 | 1.025 | 1.011 | 1.037 | 1.025 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach a | 0.07 | 18.7700 | 17.91 | 1.024 | 1.010 | 1.037 | 1.024 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 39.2954 | 37.09 | 1.024 | 1.010 | 1.036 | 1.024 | 1.012 | 1.034 |
(1) Project Alone: developer approach | 0.07 | 4.9259 | 4.76 | 1.025 | 1.011 | 1.037 | 1.025 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 9.5691 | 9.40 | 1.025 | 1.011 | 1.037 | 1.025 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach b | 0.07 | 21.3954 | 20.79 | 1.024 | 1.010 | 1.037 | 1.024 | 1.013 | 1.035 |
Scenario | Sabb. Rate | Add. adult deaths | Add. immat. deaths | Med. cnterfact. popn size (2062) | Med. cnterfact. popn size (2077) | Med. cnterfact. GR (2062) | Med. cnterfact GR (2077) |
Forth and Tay Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 6.0259 | 6.16 | 0.994 | 0.991 | 1.000 | 1.000 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 12.5691 | 13.30 | 0.986 | 0.981 | 1.000 | 1.000 |
Forth and Tay Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 27.0954 | 28.09 | 0.971 | 0.960 | 0.999 | 0.999 |
North Sea Consented developer approach | 0.07 | 8.5259 | 8.06 | 0.991 | 0.988 | 1.000 | 1.000 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach a | 0.07 | 18.7700 | 17.91 | 0.981 | 0.973 | 0.999 | 0.999 |
North Sea Consented Scoping Approach b | 0.07 | 39.2954 | 37.09 | 0.960 | 0.944 | 0.999 | 0.999 |
(1) Project Alone: developer approach | 0.07 | 4.9259 | 4.76 | 0.995 | 0.993 | 1.000 | 1.000 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach a | 0.07 | 9.5691 | 9.40 | 0.990 | 0.986 | 1.000 | 1.000 |
(2) Project Alone: Scoping approach b | 0.07 | 21.3954 | 20.79 | 0.978 | 0.969 | 0.999 | 0.999 |